Hamster Poop

@mrpibb79: The irony being that your dead 360 couldn't relay the info back to MS. So they still wouldn't know.

@Mubtee: Then ignore it.

That's a lot of money to watch a nap-inducing "sport".

@Rotmm: If a site is going to post soemthing, they might as well do it right. Otherwise, why bother coming here at all instead of going straight to the site?

@Apekooi: Looking things up is what research is.

@Kimochi Sama: Yes. Heaven forbid people being responsible.

@Ashkihyena: No. I am just a bit more sophisticated than most of you nerds on here. Repetition doesn't make something funny.

@Chicken: ""This is the latest internet craze! Every loser is doing it!"

@Ashkihyena: I have a sense of humour. Just not for unfunny, internet-based retardisms - or as you people call them, "meems".

@rickyfighters: Where did I say pasty white? I just said white, as in the general term for caucasian. Minus the ridiculous tans, of course.

@ColdDog: They won't run out. There are more trees now than there were 100 years ago, thanks to tree farming.

@SeraphX2: First off, who cares what Ebert said, or if games could be art. It doesn't matter. Spend your time worrying about something that is actually important, or better yet, just shut up and play the games instead of wondering if they should be considered art or not.

@Chicken: Who even watches that parade?

@(Zombie) WDYC: No, not at all. I just don't find dark skin attractive. Whether the broad is black, brownish (like this chick), or someone who is white with a dark tan. It has nothing to do with disliking people; it has to do with what I find attractive.

@rickyfighters: Because I don't find darker skinned women attractive for the most part, that is racist? I probably wouldn't find her that appealing if she was white, but the darker skin doesn't help. Same with white chicks with dark tans. Don't like them either.

@SeraphX2: Memes are also very very stupid. And they are only part of "history/culture" on the internet. Real life is still thankfully untainted by them.

So without reading the entire magazine, you jump to the conclusion that the magazine is in cahoots with Konami for giving it a perfect score and ads that feature the recognizable Jap who publishes the magazine?

So what's the appeal with her apart from her juicy tits? I find her too dark, and not very impressed by her face.

@veeerules: I've been doing the Math Express on the DSi, and I have found that I am incredible fast as the 20 and 100 equations compared to when I started. I have also gotten faster at the other activities.