Hamster Poop

That's nice. Don't care. Some of those games are fun.

@Skitch: I stand corrected then.

@Skitch: I stand corrected then.

@theBMB: I read every manual for every game I play. I have yet to see a manual that doesn't tell you what buttons do what. With some games, I have the manual out when I play for a long while, like NHL 10. Any game that uses every button where the controller has 10 buttons is a game whose manual sits on the couch with

@theBMB: I read every manual for every game I play. I have yet to see a manual that doesn't tell you what buttons do what. With some games, I have the manual out when I play for a long while, like NHL 10. Any game that uses every button where the controller has 10 buttons is a game whose manual sits on the couch with

@Raziel66: I think they are actually 24-bit 96Hz FLAC remasters.

@Skitch: Why would someone go through all the trouble of capturing through their Wii when they could just use their little cellphone and upload the video directly from it?

@theBMB: If I buy a retail game, I expect if to come with a manual. that's part f the retail package.

@Caelestis: Your confusing carbon dioxide with air pollution. The eco nuts don't say anything about air pollution. They only harp about CO2. And we know that all eco nuts are leftists who resentful that the first world country they live in is rich.

@Laronvas: That doesn't help planes that have to take off or land where the volcanic ash is.

I care not what the Japanese do. Or at least what they say they'll do.

@Caelestis: The CO2 argument is that any warming that might be happening is because of our activity, completely ignoring any effects the sun has on the planet, especially since it is our source of heat, as well as the fact that before people were around, the planet was a lot warmer than it is now. But all of a sudden

@KingDarian: No no, I believe you. Is just seemed that a couple of the videos I did watch looked too good to be filmed with a camera pointed at a TV.

@Skitch: Well, I didn't actually accuse anyone specifically. Some of the videos looked too sharp and too clean to be even recorded from a TV with a camcorder or camera phone. Of course some people did it the hard way like you, but I am sure there are at least a couple in that batch that used an emulator. It's hard to

Did deal. It's just another phone.

Can I ask why the minigames made on a computer using an illegally downloaded ROM were not disqualified?

The game is ugly on both consoles.

@Tre_Green: Yet you'll do it in first person shooters to fire your weapon. Interesting.

@Arenegeth: I definitely mind. People raved about that Strong Bad game for WiiWare. I never downloaded them because they were charging $10 per episode, and there were 5 of them. That's $50. $50 for a game where I don't get a disc, case, nor manual. $50 for a game I can neither resell nor trade in once I am finished