Hamster Poop

@battra92: Mario Galaxy 2 is on my for sure list. On my tentative list are Epic Mickey (Wii), Split Second (360), and ModNation Racers (PS3).

@Digital Jam: That's a fantastic view, but I don't think I could live in that kind of housing.

Cute. But I still won't pay for virtual clothes.

1600 points for $20? We're still paying that much for 1400 points in Canada :(

@KingKash: I am pretty sure he meant 6 months before he would be able to get one because they were always sold out.

Sorry, but I find that all the Regular images look better than the "HD" images. The image is darker, and I don't see a reduction in jaggedness.

@Chrysolite: Very true. I've seen enough comments on all sorts of topics to know that a lot of them are 14, or have the maturity of someone who is 14. But for everyone 10 or 20 of them, there is one mature, smart commenter.

@Mubtee: Because they NEVER push the PS3 message and 360 message. Please, man.

@Erin Crabtree: Cooking Mama is a game. This is an interactive recipe book.

Consider me officially interested in this program. Especially since I am tired of eating the smae things all the time.

It's not a game. It's an interactive cookbook. Simply because it's on thd DS and is sold at retail doesn't automatically make it a game.

@veeerules: The April issue of Game Informer (Portal 2 on the cover), has an article about broads as main characters in games. Check it out.

@Joe Sunrider: Now you can get some real friends to replace the online "friends". Real friends are always better.

@Stacy Daniels: Wow, using a dollar sign instead of an "S". How original and groundbreaking! You're a real innovator.

@[DFX] Deimos: It is your opinion that religion is objectively harmful to your society. And when it is harmful, it's because of the religious nuts who try to push things to far. But you are just painting everyone with the same brush; the religious nuts and the people who believe in God and go to church, but otherwise

@PhilESkyline: You said major effect. Learning about a new species of Tang fish isn't going to have a major effect. It probably won't have an effect at all apart from you knowing about that fish. But you still learned about it.

@unruly: We started getting sex-ed in grade 5. And I had a book about body parts and all that stuff for kids when I was 7. Learning the facts about sex is necessary at the school age. Learning about the intricacies of sex is not.

@Apsalus: Because they should be learning and doing that stuff at 9 years old? Get a life. And have some kids. You'll change your tune real quick when you have kids of your own.