@Miss Beyond: I cringe any time there is a face put to anyone on the web. "Blogger", editor, commenter, or forum member. I don't need to know what anyone looks like.
@Miss Beyond: I cringe any time there is a face put to anyone on the web. "Blogger", editor, commenter, or forum member. I don't need to know what anyone looks like.
It's the best of the three PSone Final Fantasy Games.
@SansSanity: He's a "gangsta" wigger. Plain and simple.
@TheSolarKnight: Completely different circumstances. I am pretty sure that MS didn't hire him to hack Major Nelson's account.
@jfh2112: Giving people your URL so they can find out your whois info isn't too bright either.
Now there is a bright one. Hack the Live account of an MS employee, and then tell people you have a web site, so MS can easily find out the whois info and find you in the blink of an eye.
@[DFX] Deimos: :: insert generic retort to intolerant poster ::
@ZaxxonQ.com: Grammar failure.
@PhilESkyline: It doesn't have to have a major effect on reality. It can be simple facts that you learn, which is the case with Endless Ocean.
That's okay. It seemed like a silly thing to be able to do to begin with.
@gypsygib: I think it says that you are putting too much faith in a non scientific poll conducted on a site full of "trolls" that would fudge the numbers.
@ExploadingAlah: " I am a hardcore gamer ..."
@PhilESkyline: Play Endless Ocean and you'll learn things.
@Killer Toilet: That gamers own consoles and play games? Sad, indeed.
@Father-Time: Screw those games. Big Red Racing is where it's at.
@Areinu: I meant that instead of seeing the friend code, you would see a user name. But you still could not contact the person or see anything about them without making a friend request. Once they accept, then you can communicate.
@chaosgamer.e: Doesn't work that way. The games you download are tired to the system you downloaded them to, regardless of whether they are on an SD card or not.
@Areinu: The way you put it, the friend code acts like your username on Live and PSN. Which is good. But then you might as well use usernames :)
I think the XL is aimed more at people with a Lite than people who already have working DSi consoles. Their screen size comparison is always with the Lite.
If you own a DSi, and it's not broken, there is no need to buy the XL. It seems aimed more towards Lite owners, since they always compare the screen size gain to the Lite.