Hamster Poop

@Monstercloud: So it should be wide open like Live of PSN on a console aimed at everyone in the family instead of just nerds? I amsure parents are happy the friend codes are there so their little ones can play wthout coming across the retards that get heard on Live and PSN. Though, Nintendo could make friend codes the

@sentroshi: The reason I bought it is because I was entertained watching my mom play it when I visited in November. So I know it will be fun. But I don't want to start a new game when I have many still unfinished.

@Nexas: A very good point that no one else seems to consider. I hadn't even thought of it like that.

@Monstercloud: So it's not about fun over function? I thought fun is the reason people played games.

I would be, but my oney has to go to ward credit card debt. Once that is gone, or drastically reduced, I will be getting an XL. The fact that my wi-fi security is too strong for my Lite, and the huge screens, and most importantly, Flipnote Studio, make me want a DSi. So while I am at it, I might as well go big.

I'll probably continue playing Endless ocean 2, and maybe some Rock Band 2, since it's still fairly new to me.

@Phokal: It was stated when the Game Room was announced that multiplayer in the arcade games would be limited to local play, just like their original counterparts.

@makinc: And team loyalty usually has to do with where you live or where you grew up. Consoles, not so much.

@Gary Alan Case: For me, any fanboy of any system annoys me. I own all three, and see what they do right and wrong, but the blind followers of their console of choice annoy me equally because they are all retards.

@OkayOctane: He loathes everything about Microsoft and wouldn't ever be caught dead being around either of the two (MS stuff or 360 "fanboys" I assume), but the article opens with him using Windows on his computer. A little hypocritical since he could be using Linux.

@Kayonesoft: What an idiot is more like it. He thinks loving everything Sony and being a rabid Sony "fanboy" is fine and dandy, but heaven forbid should you be a "fanboy" of another console/company. He's no better than they are.

@Chestnut Bowl: If you were a fanboy, you'd still be horny for them and would join the losers over at Sega Nerds.

@lostbizzo: And it could continue until there is only ONE fanboy remaining. Then he can be avoided and ignored easily.

So he's a loser. That is what I gather from this. The PlayStation doesn't care about him; it's a god damn machine.

I can't see them implementing a screen that folds in the middle like that, or that ends with no bezel. Nor can I imagine playing a game holding it vertical like that with the stick and buttons so close together.

@Edo411: He needs a haircut. His hair makes his head look huge, and his body tiny!

@Sugar Slam!: I am lucky :). I was planning on buying a PS3 for LBP and Mod Nation Racers, but I am glad I didn't. I would not be pleased if I bought the console and then didn't use it.

@Covertghost: So that they don't have to spend money on acquiring them.