Today Logitech G reveals its new Prodigy series of gaming accessories, two mice, a keyboard and a headset designed…
Is it bad that I opened this article, excited for there to be new content for Portal 2 ?
lol I’m fairly sure I’m the only Instinct member in my city
The more people get into Overwatch, the more Overwatch cosplay we see. The more we see, the better it gets. And few…
Should’ve seen the signs: Harassing chickens, chopping down shubberies, breaking pots, opening drawers, running into people while armed.
Setting wildfires? Pushing boulders on people? Link confirmed menace to society. Probably going to harass some birds and smash some pottery too.
Thanks to everyone who keeps reading and supporting Kotaku. We love you all.
The news is out that Gawker Media, our parent company, is up for sale as part of a filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy…
Every year, around the time of E3, an exhibition called Into The Pixel is held, which celebrates the work of…
As someone who is interested in No Man’s Sky, not to the degree these nutjobs are, but still interested enough to want to know when i can buy it, Kotaku putting up a small piece about it being pushed back by a few months is actually news I appreciate.
You bring up some good points that are definitely worth discussing. The conversation over “leaks” in gaming journalism is an interesting one, and one we’ve discussed a LOT internally. (I sit next to Stephen, and he and I have conversations about this sort of thing ALL the time.)
I want to begin by making it very clear: there is no excuse for threatening someone’s life, period. Also if you receive death threats you should contact the authorities immediately. The only way this problem will end is when these people start being charged with crimes and spend some time in jail. Unfortunately I’ve…
Yeah, the game itself has only just been released, but thanks to betas and marketing people have been getting to…
A first-person magic dueling game. A third-person, Altered Beast-style brawler. An Antarctic horror adventure. The…
Would you believe this lovely hand-drawn collectible card-based role-playing game is based on the upcoming…