
@WestwoodDenizen: Very true. I edited my comment. Many drivers where I live are oblivious to the fact that they are actually operating a car when talking on a mobile.

@WestwoodDenizen: They're cool. Some seriously brilliant programming would be required though.

There should be an App that render's ones phone inoperable when in an automobile.

I wonder if he had the "If found, please return to..." fields filled in.

Given that this magazine is from Japan, the cover doesn't strike me as all that unusual. After all, a TV show that features a woman breaking a spoon in her ass isn’t even considered all that odd.

@KamWrex: I move a lot and one time Dish Network held me on the phone for 10 minutes trying to get me to give my equipment to relatives after I convinced them I was moving to England (I actually was). And the person I was on the phone with actually suggested I take the equipment with me. Great idea.

A DirecTV operator told me that you can run out your two year contract by suspending it six months at a time. She said that the time the account is suspended counts towards the two year commitment.

I'm sure some of these other services are good, but this is bad news for Mozy users. I chose Mozy in large part because they are owned by EMC Corp. which gave me a bit of confidence that the cloud based service will be around for the long term.

@meatbag_pussrocket: I originally thought she just tanned at the same place as John Boehner.

Now, with this data, I just need to figure out how to tell what race a person is based on the phone one is carrying rather than stereotyping based on appearance.

I like Zinio. It isn't the "slam dunk tablet magazine" App, but it has a large selection of magazines, and when I pair this with the fact that I have my books on my iPad as well as PDFs of work related manuals, I don't need to lug around a 50 pound computer backpack when I travel anymore.

@Caturday Yet?: That's enough to close the hole in the ozone layer...right?

@Relyt: I thought that was the case, and posted my comment before seeing your second comment.

@farcast: My comment was based on what I see as a general perception; right or wrong.

@supergeek1694: I just think that CNN tries too hard to appear to be simply "reporters" of news.

@supergeek1694: BBC is bookmarked and a regular stop on my news surfing cycle.

@Relyt: I wouldn't blindly agree with any one network either.