
@pjc: Hostility is easy to read into comments, right or wrong. I've been hammered a couple of times.

@Retsaot: If you do, prepare yourself for many e-mails: "Did you de-friend me?"

@tomsomething: I joked about this guy's situation in another post, but he doesn't deserve mob justice. Anyone with a grudge can make shit up on Facebook and Wikipedia, etc. and hope it gains traction. It baffles me too.

@JavaNut13: I deleted my Facebook account last week due to lack of use, but I'm not better than anyone here as a result...I just don't have a Facebook account.

@USB_Humping_Dog: Well, you could verify it on Wikipedia first. If the information isn't there yet, just create the content. Verified! On with the mob scene.

Media companies seem to have short memories. Blu-ray versus HD-TV confused the average consumer, and significantly slowed the adoption of HD media. This comparison is not quite technically accurate for 3DTV but the point is the same.

@ZaxxonQ.com: My parents pulled out the old photo albums two nights ago and showed my wife's parents tons of old pictures. I don't even know if they like me and now they think I'm a dork. "No, I wasn't in Duran Duran when I was nine." I swear I'm going to burn those albums one day.

@pjc: I don't need to be blown away to spend $100 on a commodity item like an MP3 player but I would need to be before dropping an extra grand or so on a 3DTV. Do you have enough spare cash in your back pocket to pay a load extra on a new TV with 3D technology that may not even survive as a consumer product? Well, I

@AngryBeaver: These things really come down to individual taste. If one finds 3DTV visually pleasing, then go for it. I'm not big on 3D anyway...for me, I need a wow factor that just isn't there. For those who like it, that is great, but I think that it would be a good idea to wait for the price to come down and

Just walk into an electronics store and look at a 3DTV demo...for me at least, underwhelming is an overstatement.

Now I just have to massage those numbers in order to validate the many predictions that the iPad would swiftly and efficiently kill off the Kindle.

@BadPlasmid: You hit the nail on the head. I have around 100 textbooks (and growing) in PDF format that I use for my IT work and can carry all of them everywhere. If I'm travelling I want a novel in ebook format to save space or so I can download a new book anytime with the device it is loaded on. That said I will

My annual tradition is to re-image my parents computer to speed it up by getting rid of the loads of free shitware programs they claimed they didn't install and then change their password to something other than their address. Yes, I could restrict their access but that wouldn't fly.

If Palm can influence the development of an inventory of quality apps and doesn't screw up the hardware, Sprint 4G could give this device at least a bit of a "wow" that Palm has not seen in a long time. Now all Palm has to do is market it in a way that makes no-one want it.

@The5thElephant: Last words spoken: "groooooooovy!......crummy......"

@lucasway89: Roughly 85% of mobile phones worldwide are on GSM networks and with the exception of the U.S. most of these networks are compatible (based on standards). In the US, mobiles from the two major GSM service providers aren't even completely compatible with each other, since they run on different 3G

@lucasway89: In some countries, thinking about standards, real competition, and cheap rate plans will just do your head in.

@sinth: You're right....I'm getting Zire-d.

I need to hold out for the French version, which is the one that would be very useful for me. I think, however, that I would have to surrender to someone first, let them occupy my house for a period of time, and then after a series of negotiations, I would be allowed to buy it, but paid in baguette's and bicycles

@Habs: They hoping that they Myte Veer away from getting Gysted out of the market.