
@The Squalor and the Fury: When I was a kid, my parents didn't have much extra money, so I never got Lego. Instead I got this "build your own mini log cabin" kit. Building the same mini log cabin over and over again got old fast. I was really jealous of the Lego kids.

@kusotare: Chill. It's possible to have a discussion without it being an outright attack.

No holograms? I'll still check it out.

@Chernobyl: Are you expecting back rubs there too?

It's nice to see that cars more affordable than the Tesla are being made that don't rely directly on fossil fuels. Oil causes too many problems in the world. I know that the electricity created to power these vehicles is still partially from polluting resources like coal, but it is a step in the right direction.

@Deckard: "Rock hard" evidence.

Short of being strip searched along with getting an anal cavity probe, airport security will never be 100% effective in my lifetime. Even going that far, there are other ways than just the security checkpoint to get stuff on planes.

@pjcard: A lot of people are complaining about the money spent on the scanners, but it seems like more are complaining about the intrusiveness of the searches. Every individual has their own tolerance level, and while I don't give a shit about going through a scanner or getting a pat down, enough do, and even if

@Benedinho: Stonehenge was impressive feat, considering that no-one knows how the hell they got those huge stones there. What's sad is that its deterioration is mostly from man using pieces of it as building materials, or taking home souvenirs.

@Abishai: Me too. Maybe I over thought it.

@OkayOctane: Have a drink. I was joking about what some might see as excess.

@skaven: I joke around lots, and assume little.

It would be great if these were setup like Christmas lights from 10 years or so ago, where when one bulb was removed or burnt out, the whole strand would shut off. I'd deliberately go over to their house and pluck a half dozen bulbs at random to teach them a lesson in vanity. And maybe leave a note: "Instead of

@Jamen Tyler Lang: Do you mean slide the squeegee down one full length each time the door fully opens and each time it fully closes? She could remain stationary, and just keep sliding the squeegee down.

@Benedinho: There could be a market niche for people who aren't much of gamers, or who primarily use consoles, tablets, or phones to play games. If all you have on your computer is M.A.M.E. and The Sims, a mediocre controller might be good enough.

@The Lab: or Trackpad...for redundancy.