
@marc_wtih_a_c: For sure. I just thought it was odd that he specifically mentioned pairing, but made absolutely no reference to using the Playbook as a standalone device. I could be reading more into it than I should be, but you would think that given the topic, some mention would have been made. As a standalone

Tron, Tron, Tron, Tron, Tron, Tron, Tron, Tron, Tron, Tron...this movie better be good, or the hype machine will be getting an a whoopin' by the Hanson brothers.

If Chinese manufacturers have the specs and are already selling cases in bulk, wouldn't the final specs have been leaked by now? I have no idea what the bottom left hole is. Maybe Apple moved the docking port to enable them to sell a new round of accessories to current iPad owners who upgrade.

@Justin: Yes. It's too close for comfort. And I don't want to be a half foot away from my wife on the toilet after snarking down a large bag of crisps followed up by a couple of pieces of pepperoni pizza and a Guinness.

A fart dampener? How romantic. And I've seen the TwoDaLoo before and it leaves me puzzled. Do you gaze at your partner, lovingly holding hands while taking a shit before wiping each others asses?

@Who-really-cares: Using my logic, it is a way to limit intake. Sort of how if I go to an NFL game, I cram garbage down my throat that I would never eat at home, and at an amazingly fast pace.

Stories like this make my happy, but they also make me worry every time my 85 year old grandmother has a yard sale. Faberge Egg: 25¢.

The main picture looks like part of the leg of a Cylon, except for the blue.

@HackMod: There's really no room for improvement, except maybe...more bacon.

@Caturday Yet?: Very good. Heart stopper though. Believe it or not, a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese or a Wendy's Chicken BLT are more unhealthy.

So the sun can consume Earth's, just a tad faster than I can consume Double Downs. The science in this post is intriguing, but replacing a bun with fried chicken...how cool is that.

@JonnyP: You have a a few crazy smart people designing this, and a lot of crazy stupid people installing it on their personal systems.

Even though the post states otherwise, I would be a tad worried about rootkits, malware, spyware or other viruses being installed on my PC and Mac.

At around time-stamp 7:00 the guy is asked about Blackberry PINs. He almost sounded off guard. He said that in terms of pairing, you would get access to e-mail, contacts, etc. via your Blackberry phone. There was no mention of whether this thing can be a standalone Blackberry, or at least I didn't hear hear it. I

Unlike some of their more recent phones, it looks like they did their homework before building this thing. It seems very configurable as well. I think people will take this seriously. Nice.

My only issue with this is that I am a touch typist, an if Google fucks with the keyboard layout too much, I may have to start looking while typing. EVEN THOUGH I NEVER USE THE CAPS LOCK KEY ANYWAY...DAMN YOU GOOGLE!

@stopcrazypp: Agreed totally on the trust issue. As well, I was thinking about bringing up a persons memory in my past comment, so we agree there too.

HP should never have rushed out the new Palm Pre. With the iPhone and all of the crazy cool Android phones, WebOS, a very good OS, needed to be relaunched on a phone with a serious WOW factor. Right now, it seems like business as usual. i.e. No-one is buying Palm phones.

@Brownski: Clever. I had to Google that one...it was hilarious.