
I wonder if they were using the U.S. Global Positioning Service to determine where to fire the rocket from?

@A Magician Named Gob: Master, read my comment. I'm not arguing that safety measures shouldn't be implemented. I even said that the changes aren't cost prohibitive.

We are dumbing down drivers. Don't mirrors work anymore? Hell, I have a top view 360° camera view. I don't even have to look at the pavement when I park, but I still do.

@ParrotHeadFL: If people drove how they were taught, these would not be needed. And if a cost/benefit hasn't been done, one should. An ongoing awareness campaign could be more effective.

@ItsSoFluffy!!: John Oliver? That's hilarious, and I would actually consider doing it. I don't think there is a time capsule rulebook that says you can't paint lies.

The issue is so big that it has long become a political issue between the U.S. and U.K. Sadly, international politics will play a public and private role in this, and however this turns out, it won't be just about the facts.

@Boding: It's a place where the employees don't know anything about their own promotions. You can also buy soldering guns and CB radios there.

@critter42: There are many different kinds of shoppers, but you are right. I am a targeted shopper. When I shop, I know what I want, I go in, get it, and leave. But if something else catches my eye, like an iPad, I'll stop and take a look. So while I did most of my holiday purchasing online, I had already seen

Unless you really like shopping, I don't get it. I got my holiday shopping done early, and bought all but one thing online, and for a good price. You also get an instant savings buying online because you don't pay sales tax in most states when you buy through sites like Amazon.

@Hearthatvoiceagain says Andy has arrived: Problem? It's not a problem, because according to Apple, this is normal and standard on all smartphones. It's actually a feature because Apple emphasizing touch based solutions, did the very best job in making an antenna that drops calls with the widest variety of gestures.

@RuckingFetard: I was joking about the slip on case. I was thinking about talking on the phone while the UMD spun so loudly that I couldn't hear who I was talking to. And you are right about the PS3, I meant to be speaking in past tense. I have the original and it has hardware PS2 emulation, then Sony switched to

@RuckingFetard: Sony is confused. Regarding the PS3, there is a version that runs almost all PS2 games with hardware emulation, another that runs some PS2 games with software emulation, and another that doesn't run PS2 games at all. Maybe for the phone, they will sell a UMD slip on case.

@RuckingFetard: I'd like to see Sony to give me a fair deal on all the UMDs that I have. I don't expect media companies to give me DVD copies of old 8-tracks, but Sony has a bit of a bad track record of when it comes to backwards compatibility. It looks interesting though.

@Return of DaOtter: I think my point is still valid, but you're right, Lufthansa sets the bar pretty high and definitely wouldn't serve apples that have been eaten and shit out. That was actually really funny.

Why is Chen getting so much shit for this post? I've never seen so many crap comments on one Giz post, ever. In my opinion his point is valid, or at very least not worthy of the bitch slapping some Giz readers are giving him.

Several years ago, I used to fly Lufthansa between Mumbai and London several times per year. They had WiFi on the plane, but no-one seemed to care. I would always play stupid and ask a flight attendant about it, and they would give me a one-time free pass, so I rarely ever paid. It seemed like I was the only one

@hoocli: Hey, someone from my home province. I don't live there anymore, but SaskTel has always had fast service and great plans.

@jdale: I'm holding out for a black and white CRT with a built in original Atari console.

I would be cautious about buying one. This one looks nice, but I had bought a Juice Pack back when I had a 3G, and just after the return period, the back coating started peeling off, and I got told that by Mophie that it wasn't covered under warranty because this was not normal wear and tear. The funny thing was

Who needs skimmers. I was on Bourbon Street, and on two occasions drunks took money out of an ATM and left their card in, with access to their accounts still available. I could have hit pay dirt if I just lurked around that ATM all night, but instead I took their cards and dropped them in the night deposit.