
Nice article. I pride myself on ability to grill a steak, but I have never once thought about the colour change in any other way than it being a measure of wellness. I'm also glad you made the comment on"killing" your food. I know people who have gone crazy avoiding doing just that. Another good point is that in

I don't see the the point of Twitter. I can't figure out why people need to know when I am taking a shit or scratching my camel toes. Some people are so addicted to Twitter, Facebook, texting and e-mail, that pretty soon they are going to forget how to speak.

@TheMightyTexMex: I've got one of those too, flashed with dd-wrt. Man that thing is old, but they are workhorses. I only use it because I've had two Time Capsules die on me (and the TCs run even hotter I think).

@lessthantito: Letting a woman use one of those things is like giving a pyromaniac a can of gas, matches, and the keys to your house along with your vacation schedule.

@Brian Lam: My wife leaves her hair straightener on every day. The thing was $200, and it doesn't even give her the option for an auto-shutdown. It just runs hot all day waiting for the right time to burn the house down.

@markntravis: In some countries, the towel warmer is the heat source for the bathroom.

@MarcusMaximus: I use an electric tea kettle to boil water and then pour it in the pot. It speeds up the time to have a pot full of boiling water by 10 minutes if you are making a decent sized batch of pasta.

@typica1cat: Well at least it has not been mega-hyped like the stolen iPhone 4. And come on, we're talking boiling water...it's too important to dismiss.

My wife said that I could either get my penis pierced or a tattoo of Ozzie Osbourne on my chest, but not both. That machine scares me. I guess I'll go for the piercing...but I'm scared of needles.

I wonder if the MasterChef app yells at you, spits in your face, and kicks garbage cans, kind of like Gordon Ramsay does.

It's a nice gallery, but I would also like to know what the building functions are.

Yahoo!!!! Let's calculate huge numbers hoping to forget the big number Microsoft was willing to buy us for, or to garner attention to bring our stock price back up.

@blyan-reloaded: Interesting contrast. I might as well have my cell phone glued to my face since I am on it so much.

@blyan-reloaded: 60 minutes per month? You must have a landline. My cell phone is my only phone, so I have the all you can eat plan.

I wouldn't because I love my useless time wasting apps. But my sister would go for a rotary dial cell phone with no options at all if one were available. She doesn't see the point of a phone, being more than just that.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: You beat me to the punch. I was about to post something similar. I can't see this happening actually happening unless someone was screwing with their router. If there was a virus causing this, more people would know about it. I like your more aggressive approach though. I

@mecha2142: Agreed. Quite a few manufacturers are including iPod docks with their amplifiers now. Sony is a good example. I listen to iTunes on my iPhone through my ceiling and wall mounted home theatre speakers. This system also manages my satellite box, Wii, PS3, and Apple TV...yes, Apple TV. Got the amp and

It probably also has a built in botnet wizard and the required payloads to start infecting computers everywhere but in Russia.

All of this is good. But finally getting a unified inbox is excellent. The way it is setup now is non-productive and annoying as hell.

@Disabled_Vette: Exactly! Except it's for a pretty damn big CPU.