
yes! especially #5.

It is pathetic that he and his defense are trying to paint a picture of him as somehow lesser than full legged people, when in the past, he wanted to show that this was not the case when he stated, ““You’re not disabled by the disabilities you have,” he said. “You are able by the abilities you have.” in order to

sorry and thanks for clarifying. I am sorry for your experience as well. Angry too. There are too many of us. There should be zero.

duh, I just realized that I naively thought you misunderstood my initial post. Now I get that you are just trolling.

? I’m not sure what your point is.

so the defense is trying to perpetuate an idea that following sexual assaults, victims should live the rest of their lives denying their sexuality, desires and interest, dress “modestly” (so as not to “incite” another assault?!?) and subvert their sexuality, attractiveness, etc.? How dare people who have been sexually

Leslie Rasmussen could have thought to demonstrate more integrity of character herself and declined writing anything at all on Brock Turner’s behalf. She was not subpoenaed to write or speak, she was asked. To do so, would have acknowledged his guilt. She could have chosen another forum to work to change issues

the band took their Facebook page offline. The name of their band is interesting to me, the phrase “good English”, is grammatically incorrect, a mistake often made by people who are not native English speakers. When I read that was her band’s name, I couldn’t help but wonder if they chose that name to be “ironic” and

I’m sorry to read this and that it is your experience. I would never imagine that “because boo-hoo” because I empathize with you. In my case the trust issues manifest as a string of broken relationships under my belt, I am more comfortable with superficial friendships on my end (though working really hard to accept

I signed a petition on Change.org to remove this judge. I posted a comment, in which I note having been raped and sexually assaulted, in reference to the “sentence” imposed on people who are the recipients of these crimes (I wrestle with words like “survivor” and “victim”, they do not speak to the whole of my

thanks! though samhamsam also was sandwhichy sounding, so I don’t know why I’m complaining about my new version...

please note, I used to post as samhamsam, but forgot to store my password, now I sound like a sandwich from a “zany” deli.

and Jerry Sandusky’s wife said the same thing. My point is that people are coming to his defense to say that he never did anything like this to them, or they never saw anything in his personality that would make it seem plausible. But how often do we hear people share their perceptions and experiences with the “great,

* I was postingunder another name: samhamsam, but forgot to store my password... Anyway, your comments seem really heartfelt and I appreciate them. Your post ignited some thoughts and conflicts I have. One word that you used, that I have heard associated with myself and other people who have experienced sexual abuse