If WBC keeps using Pokemon in their promotional material, would Nintendo have precedent to sue them for unauthorized use of their IP? Because that is a battle that I would love to watch go down.
If WBC keeps using Pokemon in their promotional material, would Nintendo have precedent to sue them for unauthorized use of their IP? Because that is a battle that I would love to watch go down.
Usually, there’s nothing funny about the WBC. In this case though, it’s hilarious to imagine this intern who runs their Twitter trying to explain how he knows so much about the Pokemons to these virulent racists.
I tell myself that maybe in another generation we can get rid of these people and mentalities. But in the mean time, let’s keep Clefairy up top at Westboro.
It makes me worried about how dumb they’ll be as adults.
This is a pretty excellent licensing and marketing opportunity if the owners are enterprising and interested in increasing business.
With Red Dead Redemption finally backwards compatible on the Xbox One, it’s time to look back at Rockstar’s Western…
For a game that features giant monsters and lawless bandits, you sure do spend a lot of time in The Witcher 3…
I’m sure you could download the armorsets or something separately but what the fuck would you do with them?
This is the dumbest reasoning I’ve ever heard.
Couldn’t be any worse than “Unfriended”.