Hamilton Nolan's Sad Sad Song

What is even the point of democracy if the new standard is going to be passing laws to stymie the opponents who won?  Is our political process just going to be a pattern of republican attacks on democracy and trying to undo them every couple years? How long until that just turns violent?

“I am particularly proud of my Kim Kardashian story” as your last thought means that everyone should be fired from your news organization.

My dude, Hammy, I love you, but for fuck’s sake.  She lied on a federal document and voted illegally. I’m all for immigration reform, but this whole open borders / let non-citizens vote thing is just some chaos, and is writing the GOPs talking points for them.

Don’t worry, you can always blame directed energy weapons if you want a human-centric explanation for the fires!

I can’t believe the press never adapted to this administration. “Four Pinocchios! That’ll show ‘em!”  Good grief.

Free speech means you won’t get arrested for it, not that there should be 0 consequences for it. 

Behavior like we saw during intermission at Wednesday evening’s performance is not, and will not be, tolerated.”

Yes, the most silenced class of people: Southern white male elected representatives.

This is the biggest mockery of the American system of government yet. The GOP has broken everything, and they’re lording over the smoking rubble pile.

She was still a crazy YouTube conspiracy theorist, just one that happened to like animals.

Darth Vader redeemed himself in the end.

I hope he gnaws his own leg off

Nice fucking shade on the Portman thing. Do you not want people to change their mind to be more in line with your way of thinking? If not, then what’s the point? Would your ideal situation be that she defend it forever so you can continue to rail against her?

How many death and rape threats do you think these poor kids have already gotten? I would bet a ton! And they will be getting these for the foreseeable future, if the shit the Sandy Hook parents have had to deal with is any indication.

Gavrilo Princip killed one person directly and countless millions indirectly. You don’t yet know what the impact of this Russian attack will be.

This was Florida, so I’m going to assume that teachers can carry firearms in schools concealed no problem. Can we get a head count of how many of the teachers were legally armed? I’d like to see how effective concealed carry really was at preventing these kinds of mass shootings!

How long is the American public going to stand for this insanity? At this point, we know they know they are full of shit. The keep shouting mental health and then keep trying to strip all access to healthcare. These aren’t just misinformed people, they are very well informed and choose to keep letting people die out

Goooooo Blacklungs!

See also: Much of our culture :(