
Plot twist: It was gazpacho

vscogirls need less nirvana shirts and more cake shirts

I like to take the dog out to shit in my man clogs.

Or get rid of the last name altogether, and only call him “Doctor,” as if you were a drunk patient showing up in his ER at 3 AM and couldn’t be bothered to learn his name.

Why post this? It’s not March, man.


I know the liberal PC police SJWswill attack me here, but I personally won’t vote for a candidate who refuses to do something about California bordering Mexico. That shit is just unacceptable. Make Ohio do it.

Lighten up Francis.

Just twelve more games and fifteen more years before they let Zac Taylor go!

I know you didn’t mean to paint such a rosy picture, but I’ve been a Bengals fan since the early 90s and I would’ve thought all of the records you outlined would be far worse. Thanks for the Monday pick-me-up!

As a parent of a 1 year old, I’m all for this. Makes it more likely a seat near me will be unoccupied leaving me with some extra space.

Pats Fans at 7AM: Those texts weren’t that threatening! It was hyperbole! What’s the big deal?

Wait till you have kids.

It seems like they were genuinely being considerate of you, by being totally inconsiderate to you.  I can’t even tell if I’m mad at them or not.

“A single that isn’t a walk” is also known as a single.

This is a great piece, Neil. Actual data to investigate some of the commonly-spoken claims! Imagine that!

So what? Are you saying we should wait until the Browns actually have a winning season, or at least play a single down that matters following yet another losing season, before anointing them a model franchise? Are you suggesting maybe we should acknowledge that the “Process” they supposedly “brought” to the NFL is

putting an official end to speculation that Epstein may have been murdered while locked away.