
Nashville is the spiritual home of every suburban girl who claims to be “country at heart” because she owns cowboy boots and her parents are racist.

Managing expectations for this team is like having a two year old. I know you’re going to shit your pants today but if you can manage to keep most of it in your diaper and off the walls we can call that a success. 

I even searched ‘disc dogs’ just in case, and nada.

CTRL-F “frisbee dogs”

Wrong, fucko.  Salmon is bad and isn’t a part of a balanced breakfast!

Yeah...  They are outraged it's start value is so low when they sold the fucker to a genocidal crook.   Like, damn Koenig, you pocketed millions of dollars from people's misery.  Be stoked that money is going back to the country.

Crystal Dunn was the Player of the Match, though.

Also Reds fan, also believe it’s one of the most fun years I’ve seen from them. Are they winning every game? No. Are they having fun going out there and playing hard? Very yes.

The Tax Code is Class Warfare by Richard Wolff

If you point out their error to them, they will be incredible.

buried a lot of things, if we’re being honest.

Watching Steelers fans on Twitter complain about a BS defensive pass interference call in the 1st half was....something. It was a bad call, but apparently there are actually Yinzers out there who think the Steelers never get calls.  Seriously.

how dare you, Drew Brees is a saint 

I have to think that the Bengals are a tough one. They’re never that good or that bad, they’re kind of organizationally scummy, shitty owner, and the stupid stadium deal is wrecking the budget for the city and county around them. Just a full-spectrum bleakness that even the sad-ass Browns can’t deliver.

This is the correct take #bringlimebackpermanently

Get this guy out of the grays. 


a picture of Drew’s grilling apron