
The entire premise of Sprint’s ad campaign right now is...”Meh, we’re good enough”

Everyone has to make the full minimum wage. Even on the BS Server wage scale. If the local prevailing minimum wage is $15/Hour but service staff only make $8/hr the service staff still must average $15/hr during a pay cycle through a mix of hourly and tips.

2005 - Applebees Northern Kentucky (by a mall and a hospital and a university)- Weekday Lunch $50-$65; Weekday Dinner $75-$125; Weekend Lunch $65-$80; Weekend Dinner $125-$150

Make 15 minutes at the beginning of your reception JUST time for people to sit the fuck down and eat, take advantage of that time to eat, then start all the bullshit and non-sense that is required to keep your MIL fucking quiet.

If you’re on a concept 2 there is a built in 500/1 program, row a hard 500 and take a minute break. It’s a good program.

I tried this at a bar by my house a few days ago. The bartender made me try some first, since it’s so odd compared to a lot of stouts, what being transparent and all.

Unfortunately for said Spleen, Darnold plays for the Jets.

Ive called my 5 mo. old duder from day one. My wife can’t stand me.

I was doing ok until this...

Listen, I know we have places in this country where we have housing issues. But what the blue hell are we doing about the mental health crisis that is causing far more homelessness than rent prices.

I go to a bar that will sell you a metal straw for a buck if you want a straw. That way they don’t have to deal with paper straw bitching or turtle killer bitching. I think it makes a lot of sense. Now you have a metal straw you can tote around every where and it’s no real skin off your back. I’m sure the MAGA chuds

Fuck, the Bengals are going to sign him aren’t they?

Glad the Reds can do us all a favor and put the Cubs out of the wild card spot just as they head down the stretch with 7 of 10 to play against <checks standings> ugh, fuck, the division leading Cardinals.

Am I doing it right?

It’s different if you live further west, where the states are huge and entering Colorado counts as a legitimately uncommon occurrence for you.

On SW you get Family Boarding between the A’s and B’s regardless of your position on your ticket. So you literally just have to be there at boarding time.

The big thing for me is that there were several opportunities along the way for you to not fuck this up. I fly SW mostly so I don’t run into this very often, but I have been asked to move from an aisle to the middle by one of the last few people on the flight, which...no. I planned accordingly and got checked in at a

Anyone who is talking about taxing the wealthy but isn’t also talking about a day one rewrite of the tax code, isn’t actually talking about taxing the wealthy.

RK Maroon? As in Maroon Cartoons!?

There’s one in Florida. And some in Indiana, and Kentucky.