
Weird flex, but ok.

In Clint Hurdles mind dangerous pitching is a feature, not a bug. They’ve been doing it all season and unless the umpire crew starts ejecting pitchers for it, they’re going to keep it up.

Filed To: Things We Shouldn't Have to Fucking Tell You

He and the team seem to be be rather enjoying one another. The fan base is absolutely embracing him. It’s almost as if being in a positive environment is good for a player? As far as the Reds being a shitty team, at 5.5 out of first place they’re actually closer to first than all but one second place team in the rest

I pull a 5-6 AM daddy chest nap with the two month old, my wife keeps telling me how sorry she is, but it’s literally my favorite thing in the fucking world.

To say nothing of the fact a bespoke, highly controlled, extremely limited release vehicle ended up in the hands of a criminal dictator...someone so bad Geneva actually stepped in...perhaps they’re a little misguided in what the actual problem is here.

Ditto, I’m sure it’s pretty case by case.

I completely negotiated and purchased a brand new CX-9 via e-mail two years ago. Got a hell of a deal on it too. We were only in the dealership to test drive and to cut the check/sign the lines.

In the states I’ve worked in, this hinges on the verbiage on the actual signed receipt, essentially what you tell the person paying the money is for.

The other side of this, bar owners, if you have a stable of regulars that ALWAYS are holding down the entire bar, always loud and obnoxious and treat non-regulars like shit...you’re putting a lot of time and effort into going out of business.

As far as big cities go, take this with a grain of salt. If there is a large convention in town, or just any natural mid-week compression, you’re going to see rates increase as time goes on. Two weeks out, you might be staying on the outskirts since you waited so long to book, if you wait until the last minute you

Having that arm cannon in right has kept plenty of runners from extending extra base hits. I'll take it.

I originally didn’t see a world in which they could retain Puig another year, but with how terrible his offensive productivity has been, not sure that will be the case, they might be able to make it work.

Possibly turned a very important corner this past week. Did you see them run out on the field after the Astros sweep? That was the highlight of the season for me so far.


I know no one expects, or is ready to hear this, but the Reds are fun as fuck to watch play baseball this year.

C'mon man, the Rex-po's was right fucking there!

The new owner or owners will be prohibited by law from raising the ships up from the seabed.

Came here to say this in reaction to the lead line, decided to read the article first, figured out it needed to be said anyway.

RE: Airport Food