
Yeah, I didn’t mind driving in the city. Its the tiny two lane roads that are barely as wide as a single American lane winding through the mountains down to the coast that gave me, a fairly confident and aggressive driver, more anxiety than I could handle.

Two hours from Rome, means you have to drive there from Rome, which means you have to drive in Italy. Which is not fucking worth it. 

Hotel finance guy here...

Jesus fucking Christ, Skip Bayless made a burner....

See Also: Joes, Trader

Are we still beating this Power 5 drum? I’m confused about the desire to deligitmize the Big East, as if the PAC 12 is somehow better?

I mean, it wasn’t a little snow by most estimations, I was just expecting closer to a foot based off how everyone was freaking out. I did lose a tree though.

I was floored by how little snow there was in some places this morning on my walk to the train. I worked from home yesterday due to the weather and just watched it snow sideways for 4 hours.

He’s a fucking punk. He’d be a great soccer player the way he embellishes a light tap or complete non-contact to get foul calls. I’ve seen this guy dribble a mostly wide open lane, flail his head back like he got shot and get a foul call despite being mostly unguarded. He’s part of whats wrong with college ball.

The growler of country music cherry juice is labeled as a stocking stuffer....it’s 64 fucking ounces. What the fuck kind of stocking is holding a growler if sugar water and not falling off the mantle?

The person meant to write the tip number, they didn’t mean to do the math wrong, take the tip, not the bad math. 

Hopefully your HD gets the new hardware they just rolled out soon. They’re great, no need to put anything in the bagging area, also you scan everything with a wireless gun, so you don’t have to lift heavy shit, or anything really. If everyone had HD’s new self scan rigs we’d all be better off.

I don’t think I’ve needed a cashier in over 2 years. The tech is infinitely better than it was even 5 years ago, have you been to a Home Depot with their new rigs they rolled out this summer? They’re magical, I can buy a load of lumber without having to have the human version spin and twist a look at every board to

Its like, what if “The Chive” but not funny, very (very) sexist and mostly racist.

If they make it reasonably priced with the 2.5L Turbo, I’d be there the day it came out. As it is now, I’m stuck waiting to see what the pricing packages are going to be on the AWD 3 5-door, if it stays around the same price point for the 2.5L as it is now, that’s a hard thing to pass up. I’m expecting anything in the

We didn’t pay $40K for our brand new CX-9 in 2017, hence the issue with the 2.5L upgrade.

My wife has a CX-9, I would forever compare to that and never be satisfied. You pay out the ass for the upgrade to the 2.5L in the models I’ve priced out.

I was really hoping for something between the 5 and 9. I love the Mazda platform lately but the 5's performance leaves something to be desired after driving the 9, but the 9 is too big for a commuter car.

This is my take and experience with Salmon. So I feel you.

I started doing this in HS when one of my friends told another friend that she had some sweet-ass hair....