
Depends on if she actually wasn’t carded, or if she was carded and had a fake ID.

  • Any ballpark

Try Bonobos.

I’ve had large quads & thighs my entire life and have struggled mightily with jeans. The two brands that have always fit my quads well are DL and Bonobos.

So...couple things.

As a Bengal fan, I’ve been calling for Marvin’s ouster for some time. But this...feels like the wrong time. There’s no great candidate out there right now to take over the team, the the two obvious candidated, Vance Joseph and Hue Jackson have been varying degrees of atrocious in their head coaching roles. The

I don’t know how good he was in college, but John Kitna wasn’t exactly hall of fame material in the NFL.

Team Braeburn 4lyfe. I think most people like a crisper apple hence getting no love, Braeburns a squarely in the soft/mealy camp. Which is where I like to be.


Three guys on single year deals with tons of upside and no long term commitment? Plus the chancr o being at the very least competetive for the first time in about 5 years. The Reds should have cash to burn after being notoriously tight for the better part of a decade. Also I would have paid 3x as much to rid the team

Reds were 24th in attendance last year, if these guys just sell tickets for a season the Reds probably do alright. I have zero hope that Puig sticks around for more than this one year. I’ll probably snag a jersey just so in 20 years people will say “Holy shit, I totally forgot Puig played for the Reds!”

We just call this "Reds Baseball".

future pharmacists don’t generally spend upwards of $35,000 a year to pay much attention to a sports team”

Eh, I don’t like that they went down this road, but I know what they’re thinking. A large hotel with a big banquet operation probably carries a dozen or so people that function strictly as “on-call” servers/bartenders. These people are literally for the “Oh shit, the group added another 50 guests on Wednesday for a

Smelly wet fart? No...the game was in Oakland, not Pittsburgh. 

The kid would be better off not being raised by the kind of people who would willingly go to Pittsburgh.

Its starting to feel like we're being will fully obtuse here. You're suggesting Marriott is responsible for a data breach that occurred at a company that, at the time, Marriott did not control?

Just as an important point, this isn’t a Marriott incident. This incident stemmed from a data breach of Starwood systems prior to the merger between the two companies. Marriott inherited this and is now dealing with the fallout. 

From a boots on the ground perspective, guests get really frustrated and annoyed when we DON’T have the card on file. Also, we get calls about charges, weeks, months and sometimes YEARS after a stay to get information, and honestly the card number is by far the most reliable way to research guest information. 

Maybe the lead line is a little misleading? As you even mentioned this is an issue that originated with Starwood prior to the merger, while clearly Marriotts problem now, the merger has moved Starwood to primarily Marriott systems, meaning while Marriotts mess to clean up, definitely not Marriotts vunerability.