
I generally assume whenever I see someone in ND gear outside of the Central Midwest they not only would look to the bottom of the state to find South Bend, but likely have never set foot in Indiana. 

Good read. Part of the phenomenon of relationships between punk/hardcore themes and ideas certainly comes from the incredible levels of intermixing of players in those bands. Your article touches on it, inadvertently, “so and so who later was in this band or that band.” This isn’t unique to the bands you mentioned

I mean...how terrible could a racist bully be as president?

I worked at a non-chain in a very chainy part of town in one city. We didn’t do shit for birthdays but people always made sure to tell you...Oh its so and so heres birtday. I always offered a lame happy birthday and waited for Uncle Paul to hunt me down in the side station to ask what we did for birthdays...it was so

No mustard & no onion...what kind of monster!

There is a time and a place for a server to tell you about an upcharge. These times and places are usually cheese or side dish related. However this question is on par with...”I asked to sub my potato for an extra steak it it cost me more...WTF?!”

So...is ski season in the Rockies going to be good or like last year?

Fuck Burfict. But just because he plays in a different age than James Harrison doesnt change the fact that he's clearly trying to live up to the role model Harrison was for LBs in the league today. While your hating on Burfict let's not forget that it was a Steeler who nearly paralyzed themself last season trying to

Rolls of pennies. 

On one hand this rule is dumb as shit. On the other hand you have to assume a Steeler has the worst intentions. Final ruling...good call, food fine. 

What? If a server doesn’t make $7.25/hr with their tips you have to pay them $7.25/hr. So no matter what the actual minimum wage is $7.25 whether its subsidized by tips or not.

This is not actually accurate.

Anecdotally speaking, I made the most money of the 5 restaurants I worked in at an Applebee’s. The other four ranged from slightly better than Applebee’s to white table cloth. The major difference is that every night you walk out of an Applebee’s you feel like you just got your ass beat for 6 hours. Turn-and-Burn and

If you don’t supply the shirts for your team, you’re screwed here. If she’s not violating policy and you don’t have written complaints. This is a hard no-go.

Fucking media and their east coast bias. Mr. Red is a decade older than Mr. Met, and therefore a superior Mascot.

80 percent of the injuries this year happened between Aug. 15 and Sept. 15, which would correspond with the increasing popularity and availability of the e-scooters.

All. Bets. Are. Off.

Happy to have my teams NFL Network game out of the way early, so I don't have to listen to Michael Irvin and Steve Smith again for a while. Fox Sunday games should be so much more tolerable. 

Carlos Dunlap also got smacked with this one. He also got one because he was being held around the neck by his man and when the offensive player finally let go, Dunlap fell into Andrew Luck after the pass.

I think people tend to give the pretty western states a pass for their whiteness. Most of the PNW is almost criminally white, Oregon was founded to be a white utopia. Colorado is literally a state for white people, complete with snow sports, beer snobbery and hiking. Utah is full of people who are apparently allowed