Some people just like to watch the world burn.
Some people just like to watch the world burn.
I’m afraid the chances of that are below zero.
“Snyder helped establish the template for comic book movies as they evolved from summertime popcorn fare into ubiquitous year-round spectacles”
Inching closer and closer to the pop of the streaming bubble...
Maybe that's the influence. They look at Snyder movies and say "OK, let's make sure we don't do THAT!"
To me, this is even weirder than when we learned that Spielberg liked Michael Bay. So much of what Zach Snyder does looks like what Nolan is purposefully avoiding to do.
The squid worked pretty well for the very brief scene in the show. Again, a good filmmaker can make the absurd work. Snyder just makes the absurd
Why do people have so much trouble accepting the fact that someone can be a) a decent person with whom people enjoy working and b) a hack?
“Or maybe Snyder is just a nice, cool guy and the people who know him have a lot of respect for him, and we should be less snarky about him and everything he does? Maybe that can be our resolution for 2024.”
Are you fucking kidding that you thought he might speak and write in Hebrew? Not a fucking chance. Maybe he used a translation app. Maybe someone else wrote it for him. No, that didn’t take “some time and effort” to write about four sentences. And, given that translation (my Hebrew skills are diminished from what they…
MoS had that spectacular opening on Krypton, with the visuals and the music elevating it to my favorite part of the movie.
Henry Cavill deserved director(s) of a Superman movie who liked Superman.
Looking at the hit/miss list, the lesson I see most clearly is “enough with the grimdark”.
I’m not a comic book guy, but the DCU always felt like a hastily thrown together me-too product. It’s not even Pepsi or Burger King, it’s more like GoBots or Zune.
I might agree with you if the HBO show hadn’t blown him out of the water without even showing a single scene from the comic. Even if the comparison isn’t one to one, it serves to show that there are filmmakers who actually understand Moore and can tell a story with characters, not talking action figures.
Oh yeah, Jonathan Kent in any other iteration would NEVER tell Clark to let someone die to keep his secret. Much less a BUSLOAD of children.
Problem with framing Manhattan is that the attack was meant to be from an otherworldly alien that galvanizes folks to get past our petty partisan differences and pursue peace amongst the threat. By making it Manhattan, folks would just blame the US.
Honestly, as much as I dislike Snyder artistically, I find myself liking Man Of Steel. It’s not perfect and it’s not even a great Superman movie, but it just has a je ne sais quois.
I will cop to loathing Christmas music but at least this is the first season where I finally understood why. Now that I have a nephew and spend a lot of time with him, it became staggeringly obvious that all the crappy jingles are baby music.