
It seems you are ignorant of the fact that Palestinians (along with various other ethnicities & religious sects) were living in the land Israel now occupies for hundreds/thousands of years before Israel was inserted there as an official state in 1948. Palestinians aren’t squatting - this is their homeland too. Yes,

defend itself

Funny that nobody does. 

Valid criticism of the nation state of Israel is not automatically antisemitism.

It’s annoying that Dems would allow themselves to be bullied about children’s safety by the party banning types of healthcare for kids, and notably opposed to doing anything about school shootings.

Lol when you ignore Israeli military and settlers’ constant, every day terrorizing of Palestinians (funny how no one is ever asked to condemn those), yes the most recent event is always a Hamas attack.

It has also been straight-up described by Blackburn as a way to control LGBT and, specifically, trans information on the internet.

And Elizabeth Warren signed on as a co-sponsor. It’s patently obvious that Dems are being fleeced by KOSA but no one seems to want to be willing to go out on a limb and admit it because

“Hoisting her 23-month-old baby boy onto her back she started walking. Fighters soon surrounded them. They dragged men to the side of the road and told the women to run. Before she could do so, a gunman wrenched open the shawl on her back that covered her child. “No men can escape,” he shouted. Then he shot her baby

he likes to cart around a fully stocked liquor cabinet that he can sleep in”

This is very much a trojan horse bill. As a victim of one, take note that whenever a bill’s name sounds too good to be true, it likely is - and actually with nefarious intent. I recommend contacting your senator if they’re backing this bill, especially when you realized that many congress people DON’T READ OR READ

Terrorists should be blamed for their actions. But an oppressive government should absolutely also be called out if their cruel actions are creating MORE terrorists.

This is a real “common clay of the new west” take

but iSrael isn’t targeting civilians

I agree that iSrael has contributed to the cycle of violence, but iSrael isn’t targeting civilians

Real cancel culture has always been aimed at the left. From McCarthyism to the US government harassing and killing civil rights leaders.

But enough about the IDF...

If a person purposely fails to understand that “Israel as a people” are different than “Israel as a government” then it becomes easy to lie about someone like Tlaib and then misconstrue what she said for a gotcha sound bite.

It is possible to both condemn Hamas for the attack, and to condemn Israel for its ongoing abuses of the Palestinian people.

Tlaib said that Israel’s “apartheid system” is what “creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance” in Palestine.