
Yeah, I hear ya. Like, The Godfather is obviously great, but some people took all the wrong lessons from it. The film explicitly equates Michael with THE DEVIL HIMSELF and people are still like "he's sooo cool."

My favorite Mark Millar story is this one I wrote where Wonder Woman kills him.

I have fond memories of the AV Club review for Flash of Genius. It was weirdly positive, but all the praise was basically like "it's marginally less sensationalist than other, similar movies" but that just made it sound even more boring.

That's how I feel about Boardwalk Empire. I get the appeal of gangster movies/whatever, but you have to balance it out with something that shows how shitty they are. That's why I love Goodfellas so much. It's a super fun gangster movie but it opens up with one of the most repulsive scenes in the movie and then cuts to

That's a pretty good collection. I think the consensus is that his novels are much stronger than his short stories, but my favorite thing he ever wrote is The Big Knockover/$106,000, both of which show up in the collection The Big Knockover.

I also have a soft spot for The Gutting of Couffignal. The story itself isn't that impressive, but the final line ("Didn't I steal a crutch from a cripple?") is *does Italian "this is delicous" gesture with hand*

I actually changed it before you posted, because I thought "for no particular reason" made me sound like Forrest Gump.

Dream movie: Peter Dinklage as the Continental Op, either in an adaptation of Red Harvest or The Big Knockover/$106,000 Blood Money.

How come Venture Bros fans aren't as passionate as Community fans?

Yeah, there's a good chance it's apocryphal. I cited the book I read it in so at least I'm completely pulling it out of my ass, but I feel ya.

Not a personal story, but this is the All Time Greatest Robin Williams Story Ever

Hopefully Bernal gets more recognition for this than he did for "No".

Plus that little weasel who played Prince John (of Robin Hood fame) in The Lion in Winter plays Arthur.

Man, I believe it. That delivery has been thoroughly ingrained in my memory, although I've kind of amalgamated it with Spacey's delivery of "Detectives!" from Seven.

In the Aeneid, there's a scene where spear goes through this guy's back and then through his thigh, so he's trying to walk but he's all hunched over because he can't move his leg, so he's just waddling around waiting for a Trojan to come chop his head off.

Lombardo's translation is notable for using really simple language, which, I'm told, is actually more accurate than the ones that make it all flowery and rhyming.

This won't be good at all, but I am kind of into the idea because that thing already reads like a fucking Quentin Tarantino movie.

Personal favorite is David Warner as Ra's al Ghul

Yeah, that's fair, although I do like that he gives Storm a lot of screen-(page?)-time and makes her one of the more powerful X-Men.

I like to imagine that when the Americans got the news he'd been executed they were like, "God damn it, Nathan," and then immediately after when they heard his last words, they were like, "Haha, fuck yeah! Fuck yeah, Nathan!"