I dunno, maybe in Search for Spock, but that whole movie is fairly wack.
I dunno, maybe in Search for Spock, but that whole movie is fairly wack.
Even if that were true, I still think it was fairly tedious. The only aspect of the movie I really got a kick out of was Magneto and his awesome plan to blow Nixon's brains out on live TV.
Man, I don't wanna out myself as a dummy, but… they're not? They have ranks like Captain and Admiral and call-signs. And they have court martials!
For one, I don't think it was really "explained" in Days of Future Past. First Class Xavier was a fatherly do-gooder, Stewart Xavier was a fatherly do-gooder, but somewhere in between he became a bitter, angsty layabout? All because of a woman with whom he apparently has no connection just twenty years later?
Yeah, one of the few really fun moments in the movie is when Magneto and Storm bust out the full extent of their powers. I would have like to have seen more X-Men kicking ass and less young Xavier whining.
I dunno, I think it's kind of bogus when time travel movies try to put a clock on things like that when the characters have the ability to jump around in time. Like, why wouldn't they send Wolverine back two months earlier so he wouldn't have to rush everything? Or even several years earlier?
I heard someone point out that his early films (Bottle Rocket, Rushmore) were about average suburbanites who dreamt about having crazy adventures and now his films just are those crazy adventures.
I'd go with "phenomenal for books aimed at fifteen year-olds."
I think the point is they've never retconned her death. Even if there are "basically Gwen Stacy"s out there, she still died on the Brooklyn Bridge.
I think it's a claim-it's-actual-for-realsies-death-but-then-bring-him-back-8-months-later-because-no-major-comic-book-character-has-ever-been-killed-off-for-good-I-mean-they-brought-back-Jason-Todd-for-fuck's-sake-and-he-wasn't-even-interesting-outside-of-his-death
Haha, whoa! I pre-ordered this forever ago and almost totally forgot about it. I still want the Rushmore pins but they were like 3rd or 4th tier level purchases and all the other stuff you can get is kind of junk.
I felt the same way about the Grand Budapest OST (I loved the film but the soundtrack isn't as iPod-friendly) but I've kind of fallen in love with the opening choir song.
1. Royal Tenenbaums (Fav song: These Days)
2. Darjeeling Limited (This Time Tomorrow)
3. Fantastic Mr. Fox (Let Her Dance)
4. Rushmore (Ooh La La!)
5. Life Aquatic (Queen Bitch)
6. Grand Budapest (s'Rothe-Zäuerli)
7. Bottle Rocket (Zorro Is Back)
8. Moonrise Kingdom (Le Temps de l'Amour)
I assume 100% these flagged comments are a meta joke, but I have no idea how many of them actually are.
The most memorable moment for me is some guy telling Ryan Reynolds to watch his back and Reynolds shoots back "That's literally impossible," which so fucking dumb I'm kind of amazed an adult human being was able to write it.
Dr. Worm - They Might Be Giants
Man, he was so awful in Captain America. Howard Stark is an upper-class weapons and technology magnate (and John Slattery was a pretty good choice, even if his role in Iron Man 2 was basically nothing). "Captain America"s Stark is supposed to be as charming and witty as Downey, but Cooper doesn't have any charisma so…
Yeah, I mean, I've never seen the British version of House of Cards, so I was talking about the Kevin Spacey version.
What in the god damn…
I've always loved "Take a Message to Mary"