She’s getting her star on her birthday! I know because it’s also my birthday, and since I love her I also love that I share a birthday with her.
She’s getting her star on her birthday! I know because it’s also my birthday, and since I love her I also love that I share a birthday with her.
I would totally wear a bikini after seeing that slideshow... Except for the fact that I am translucent and ghostlike, and the sun is not my friend.
I stayed home with my son until going back to work (on the weekends only, so his father could "babysit" him, ahem) when he was 10 months old. Taking care of him was absolutely, and I say this truthfully, the light of my life. At the same time though? It was seriously one of darkest and loneliest times of my life.…
I have a 10 year old, and I would love to have more kids. This age is probably the cutest AND the most trying. I sort of miss it, but if I ever have more children I will likely question my motives here and there.
Me too! Until I remember how nice it is that my son makes himself a bowl of cereal on the weekends when he gets up in the morning and I can sleep.
This is also the age where they are completely unreasonable and throw tantrums at the drop of a hat. Be careful what you wish for, friend.
But shouldn't Freddy Mercury be in here somewhere? I think yes.
I have an aunt with a double uterus. Uterii? Just one vagina though, but still 2 periods. I always thought it would be wild if she had become pregnant with children from multiple men.
@muppet_baby: Arrogance is phony self-esteem. Arrogant people are just hiding their insecurities...and not very well, imo.