
It’s funny how this Christmas movie stuff took off with Die Hard even though Lethal Weapon came out the year before

It doesn’t as far as changing the trust but Shiv and moreso Roman were still in the company now they’re out while Tom and Greg are still in.

It’s like, you can change up. You can say you somebody new. You can give yourself a whole new story. But what came first is who you really are, and what happened before is what really happened. It doesn’t matter that some fool say you different, ’cause the only thing that make you different is what you really do, or

I’m not sure Tom’s plan went beyond telling Logan that the 3 of them were planning it. There’s no way Logan wouldn’t be aware of the clause in the trust that the kids could block the sale so once he decided selling was an option I’m sure the wheels were already in motion that’s why he’s trying to get his sperm

All Ewan was offering him was $250 million in his will he might have lived another 20 years and in the end he cut out Greg’s mom as well and decided to leave it all to Greenpeace.

I think the problem is the shares are in a family trust they might not be theirs to sell until Logan kicks the bucket. Although Kendall has been high up in the company all along so he likely has plenty of shares of his own as well as Roman to a lesser degree.

Pretty sure they shoot in New Zealand because it’s cheaper. Lot’s of tax breaks and no unions

I’m not sure you’re allowed to say that

LOL I did that twice. I did enjoy it on the 3rd viewing even if the whole thing has a bit too much of a Lord of the rings vibe so far.

That’s pretty much it the current laws covering open carry and self defense created this insane environment in which Rittenhouse’s verdict was legally correct but it’s a really really bad situation that is going to open the door for a lot of bad things.

They had spoken to the cops the week before they were aware that the so called burglaries were not a felony and therefore they were not allowed to make a citizens arrest. That’s why they were also convicted of false imprisonment. The only good thing about all of this is that Georgia eliminated the Citizen’s arrest

It’s felony murder cutting him slack still means 30 years without parole he’ll die in prison regardless

The question is whether they delayed because they didn’t think they could convict without the video or if they were actually obstructing justice

Isn’t he at the bottom of the ocean?

I still think Dracula is a great movie in spite of Keanu’s horrible performance

Every few years I decide to re watch Rivers Edge until I remember that fucking annoying kid is in it and shut it off.

I noted how a show like the recent HBO show White Lotus would have had the CEO’s mark all over it 15 years ago instead we got a close up of Steve Zahn’s swollen balls, a guy eating another guy’s ass and the same guy taking a dump into a suitcase. I’m not sure this is an improvement.

Too late the millennials and their phones have already made up their minds before seeing it and they can’t be reasoned with

She’s not his girlfriend she’s a hooker

Most of these seltzers are made by fermenting cane sugar rather than distilling