
Most of the South American countries like Brazil were neutral until 1917 Uboats were operating along the coast of Brazil so it’s not completely out of the question. There were also definitely pro german groups in numerous countries at the time. The movie doesn’t claim any German bases or other forces there is just 1

I thought the schlub who screwed up the Oscars was discount Matt Damon

It’s based on the Jackie Chan template

Sharon did all the heavy lifting in making that relationship seem real

I think they were on the boat for a few weeks

I’m assuming the fact that they named the owner of the bar “Trader Sam” that they have plans to add her character to the ride to replace the recently removed problematic one.

This is basically the only way out of the grays enjoy the salty vinegar taste of his balls

So did you ever watch the movie?

I’m not sure you know what a typo is

The difference is he took garbage and made it entertaining

I’ve never understood why people place so much value on monsters showing remorse. If they were capable of remorse they wouldn’t have been able to commit such crimes.

He was specifically referring to the American stuntmen on the Green Lantern he didn’t make any movies with American crews. I haven’t read Polly’s book but this quote doesn’t exactly say what you think it says.

Can you do that more than once?

The only humiliating thing in that scene was how they treated the Lincoln Continental. There wouldn’t have even been a dent in that door on a real Lincoln.

Steve Mcqueen is depicted as an insecure asshole too

If it was a daydream scene it wouldn’t have ended with him saying fair enough. He’s looking back on it and accepts that he got fired for cause not that he really got fired because he got caught jerking off behind the dumpster.

You speak as if Lee’s hand to hand skills have ever been seen in real life instead of in movies

Manson had a connection to Tate and the Manson murders that’s why he’s in the movie. Just because people believe Lee was the Terminator doesn’t make this depiction of him sissylike in any way. Bruce Lee the man and Bruce Lee the myth aren’t the same.

Gene Lebell was a stuntman on the Green Hornet

She’s also in charge of his brand which earns $5-10 million a year