
Like who?

I thought this seemed really cheap but apparently MGM Resorts is a completely separate company

It’s an out of state warrant for 2 counts of misdemeanor assault nobody gives a shit

The stupidity of making movie theaters completely off limits while people ate in restaurants and flew on planes is still baffling to me

The real problem is that anytime the Israeli Parliament can’t agree on what the root cause of the problem is that one guy gets to overrule everyone and say it’s zombies

Her real name is Mathilde

Shake harder boy!

When they write about it

I’m guessing little Norman wore it to school everyday without ever washing it

It would be better if it was actually entertaining

Sam should have a business card that says “I don’t exactly understand what I write about”

Once he convinced the Mafia to cut off that horse’s head so he could get the part  in From Here to Eternity he didn’t squander the opportunity he worked hard and proved himself as an actor. He had several very good performances in the 50s: The Man with the Golden Arm, Some Came Running and a movie called Suddenly in

It was already being largely ignored by 1960 I doubt Sinatra cared about upsetting them if he wanted a different ending he would have put it in.

I don’t know who thought the Cheadle cockney accent was a good idea I’m guessing it had something to do with Brad Pitt having previously done Snatch. 

Only if it’s one of the non face eating kinds if you insist on getting me an exotic pet perhaps a Llama of an Emu?

If you had billions of dollars you’d be the same as every other billionaire: a greedy evil bastard 

I do believe he has said he has never tried cocaine

Watching How Ridiculous drop a 220 pound Thor’s Hammer onto a safe from a tower was a lot more exciting

This is one of the few times when Salty is incorrect. The correct calculation is to round up to the next hundred. If you’re bad at math just give your server your pin number and ask them to fill out your bill.

My favorite part of the Kinja switchover was their spokesman Fred the lying-est liar who ever told a lie.