
Fertilizing is basically just the male dumping a load of jizz into the container so he could have done that under the table at the bar.

I guess The Irishman would be ok if I had never seen a mob movie or even was aware of the mafia existing in my life but jesus there was nothing original in that at all.

Johnathan Lipnicki says you should go fuck yourself

I’m not buying the Natalie Portman one. She became famous as a kid for 2 very odd jailbait roles her transition to adult actress was going to be very difficult whether she was in Star Wars or not.

3PO’s storytelling scene is very good as well

I believe the correct name is Johnny Pibe

I remember what a giant “Fuck You” that seemed like at the time knowing the next film was 3 years away

He developed a taste for womp rats

I think it was a deliberate decision. All the good looking people gravitated to the evil empire whereas the rebels were all fat nerds

I’ve never understood the praise Johnson gets for allegedly making radical changes when all he really does is decide to scrap a major storyline and replace it with nothing at all.


She was on 8 seasons of According to Jim and 6 seasons of 2 and a half men she did about 10 episodes a season of Men and Mcbeal

Based on the picture I thought this was going to be some insane rant about Pecan pie

That is the correct take. That old bag was a monster

Personally I was expecting all the eggs to be lost and then at the end Baby Yoda would magically barf up fully formed baby frogs

Bernie and Elizabeth Warren made that clear and yet the Democrats went with Biden.

What exactly would those serious painful consequences be? Because Mitch and the gang don’t care.

Nothing says healthy like a waxy coating on the roof of your mouth after you eat a Mcdonald’s pie

Kind of a big omission not to mention Loy’s order to “Call Fargo” The hit squad at the Fadda’s was likely old man Gearhardt’s crew. Not sure who’s going to survive all of this. Loy isn’t going to survive most likely his wife is going to betray him with the help of the Smutney’s for the whole child trading thing. Oreatt

Yeah me too he wanted his father gone. I wouldn’t say nobody cares about Fadda’s death we have seen that New York is involved in the situation involving the brothers.