
Tried that doesn’t work

I noticed that if I get a notification from stupid fucking Kinja that someone has replied to one of my posts and clicking on said notification takes me to the first slide that the only way to get to the comments again is to click on all 56 stupid fucking slides. Can someone get a message to Fred from Kinja so that he

I haven’t read the book I was just going by what they give us on the show. Does Roth explain it in the book because Japan didn’t really care about the US they went to war because of FDR’s oil embargo. If Lindbergh did nothing to stop Japan from 40-42 then Japan invades Southeast Asia and doesn’t need US oil anymore so

Commando Spoiler:

So what’s the problem?

I never understood his reasoning on this. If Durant did resign with the Warriors wouldn’t that have made it impossible for them to be able to afford both Klay and Draymond?

We don’t know the whole plan but they were probably going to leave something that pointed to a cartel rival doing the hit. It would parallel Nacho’s plan for tricking the Biker gangs.

On a normal network maybe but this is AMC. They will delay it until they have squeezed every last nickel out of airing the reruns.

Any opinions on the Nazi kidnap plot being true? I’m kind of leaning that way I don’t think the British and Canadians would have put together an assasination if he was just an anti semite.

Seldon had already been picked up by that other family in Kentucky they didn’t really touch on how long it took them to get there. When they left it was getting dark when they came across the burnt car so they probably only got there later in the afternoon.

It doesn’t seem like there is a war in the Pacific on the show therefore no Japanese persecution.

Maeve took a sword to the gut and was dead almost immediately

Damn I’ve been trying to come up with shows to download thanks for the reminder

Even given the current hunger for sports programming the idea of this being 10 parts sounds ridiculous.

Yeah it was like he became part of the family the way he was talking with the daughter

I’ve only seen it in theater what did they do for the video?

1 Seriously? 18 year olds can’t be called girls?

I sometimes think of loved ones to give me the strength to power through a big dessert

I sometimes think of loved ones to give me the strength to power through a big dessert

Mike was likely tailing Lalo