
I bought a solar powered watch I don’t see how I can do more

Everyone was getting bent out of shape about Brady retiring it was pretty obvious it was a lead in to a dumb commercial.

It will probably take a couple of more years until their joint wealth reaches $2 Billion if you want to be precise

Somebody is going to get run over while parking their car it’s inevitable

I’m surprised I have no memory of this but it looks amazing and ludicrous at the same time. The current format whether they use a current act or wheel out the old fossils is stale they need to try something else. Personally I think they should see how far they can push the envelope on the marching band thing. Hire all

She never lived in France she lived in the Antilles and Guadaloupe

This is an odd case because Canada changed the laws on prostitution from being legal to it being a crime for men so I don’t see how a parole officer could recommend it for a parolee.

Roy Jones Jr was big into chicken fighting in the same era and nobody seemed to mind

JFK’s doctors told him they were giving him daily vitamin injections

I can’t imagine his table manners would be very good

That Mike Walden was a putz

How about Robocop vs The Thing set on the Total Recall version of Mars?

How about Robocop vs The Thing set on the Total Recall version of Mars?

It depends if they say replacement value or for insurance then you could sell it for maybe 20% if there was actually any interest but if they say at auction it’s based on actual auction prices as he mentions in the video the less rare models in worse condition regularly sell at auction for $200 grand

It was worth $250 grand back in 2004 the updated value is $2-3 million. The update shows are fun a lot of the items from 2005-2008 are worth a lot less now than they were then because of the housing bubble people were buying collectibles.

Not with Rolexes

Not with Rolexes

Taking one earbud out is also a gesture that demonstrates “you have my attention” but it’s not clear if he did this in front of the cashier or not he only says he had one in his ear.

You have to have 2 directing credits and then you can be sponsored by 2 active members after which the Academy decides whether or not to invite you.

So you’re not done with this site?