
I think your virtue signalling is shitty as well as fake and narcissistic. There we both got to express our opinions without any oppression the world is saved.

And by making it a big deal that has been magnified by a million rather than just dismissing it as stupid and unfollowing him

Thinking of employees as assets? That’s crazy talk!

It’s a tweet by some guy. Who cares get on with your lives

Calling the letter writer even if it is themselves “sweetcakes” and “my dove” is next level condescending

I think Carolla started before 2010

I’m beginning to suspect I only stayed around this long for Fiona and Svetlana nudity not sure why I’m still watching

Just have the writers give Mikey a kidney transplant and then next season just act like it never happened

“We have too many desserts leftover” said nobody ever.

Jesus there are that many people still watching that shitfest Ray Donovan?

Personally I’d ditch the cranberries and add some artificial cheese flavor like cheez-its or goldfish

See Uber Eats

Did they not have cabs before Uber?

I’m disappointed I thought season 5 would be all based in the laundry basement.

Not that much of a continuity error just have a line where he says he lost a couple of hundred pounds previously. People that have drastic weight losses without surgery often put it all back on a couple of years later

It wasn’t only a cheap comic book it was also a really cheap animated show with several dozen episodes put together from only 17 drawings

As long as they all used the original TV show intro

My mom wouldn’t let me watch it so probably

It’s not a documentary so no

Baseball players have longer careers so they were willing to strike. It’s a tough sell to convince guys who only have 3 or 4 year careers that it’s in their best interest to sit out for a year.