
1994 was a high water mark for me I was 29 and I briefly rose to the level of “not uncool”


I’m still expecting Mr Baldy Moneybags to reveal his true identity as a scumbag

He’s in the trunk of the car when Walt tells Jessie that Mike got away safely then Walt and Todd give him a goo bath

Werner Von Braun was a Nazi war criminal when something is in the interest of national security the rules don’t matter

I can’t make the switch I need the big screen and sound system 

He completed the top secret mission from which it seemed like there was no actual way for the crew to get home from. Pitt completed the mission and they decided he wasn’t a security threat so why waste an asset

If the Steelers sign him does it eliminate their $21 million dollar cap hit? They could afford Ramsey with that dough

I made 1 comment which you could have easily ignored I had no interest in posting again until I see the movie either tomorrow or Sunday but instead you replied like a fussy little baby and 2 days after I reply and when the “actual” discussion is underway you say this? Take your meds.

He didn’t know how tough it would be it was over a month after he turned down the scholarship before he landed the role in Rocky 4 and some nights Grace would bring home 5 women and expect Dolph to have sex with all of them

You can only eat at the Bronze Boot so many times 

I won a decades long victory with my mother over adding diced apple to her sunday dinner spinach salad but yeah raisins are no bueno

Guy probably thinks he’s smart just because he has a masters in Chemical Engineering

How is it as a single player game?

Seems like a show that needed to be on cable

Deadspin target audience

I want to believe that this is a fake letter but I can’t be sure

He should have said something so the staff could have put the boots to him over by the garbage cans

Yea it would still be the managements fault for allowing music to be played

So what did they do? Did they watch the DVD or the 35mm print?