
It was hard to tell but when the money guy from Baku offered him some coke he didn’t take any he just gestured with it in his hand for a while and then gave it back.

Tom Cruise’s publicist decides what questions can be asked

I don’t believe the drug conviction was prior it was post

I would think Loughlin and her husband have more money than the Macy-Huffman’s that dude sells a lot of crappy clothes at Target

Probably a heavy drinker and drug user if he needed a new kidney

Punching your husband in the face stories always get a laugh

I just threw that morel in at the end for you to jump on you sad fuck but seriously none of these people are any good how can you be into the 2nd season of a show and not understand that you silly fool?

My guess is that once the scandal points to Greg and he reveals that he still has all the files getting him hooked on drugs will be Kendall’s solution for how to deal with Greg.

Sounds like you’ve just found a handful of outlier morons online that you’re using to justify your thesis but for the record Marcia is definitely playing some sort of long con.

I felt like that was something he did to con Shiv into meeting with Rhea who then conned her onto wanting to meet with Nan.

Since the dude at burger king isn’t scrubbing the grill before he cooks your impossible burger it is swimming in beef juices so its’ probably not kosher or vegan

Most of these places offer huge tax breaks for filming and cheaper labour

Sure but a lot cheaper

Do McDonald’s pies still make the inside of your mouth is coated in wax after you take a bite?

I agree that Vincent should have moved to a nicer place given how much money he must have but I wouldn’t describe their relationship as being in the same place

We’re being shown a character who seems to care painting him with the brush of “all bathhouse owners” doesn’t have much to do with the show it’s not a documentary also it’s only January 1985 in Ep1 It’s quite likely we’ll get to see this very issue in future episodes.

The Rock and Vin Diesel they just have to film all the scenes where they’re together using CGI

Can the Broken Arrow remake be far behind?

That is weird the Baconator is my go to fast food choice I’ve always been pleased with Wendy’s bacon

Yes I would think the markup on cocktails is about the same as a glass of wine