

You lose american asshole!

He’s not getting paid his contract pays him from week 1 to week 16. Any money he got upfront is contingent on him being available for those games

Never mind the fridge it’s when they go through your medicine cabinet and take your good pills

Tom Tuttle from Tacoma

I don’t think the Chinese play baseball either

That’s why the fear of aging starts around 38 because your 30s are so much fun

I’m sure Prince Andrew had those “special deliveries” he used to get from Jeffrey Epstein travel in a shipping container in the hold of a huge ship. Very low carbon footprint

The ramen guy is Japanese

Yeah she was just being sarcastic

All I recall is James Hong as the eyeball guy

Just don’t ask James Caan about it

Plus they have flying saucers but the entire economy is based on production of cogs and sprockets

Brown is 5'10"

It really felt like Kendall turned a corner here instead of a zombie saying my father has a better plan at the end he really seems to start believing it in that he realized that he did get conned by the Vaulter guy and that gutting it was the right move.

No kidding you don’t get to come back after you sue the league. While there is no question that Kaep was blackballed he seemed to do everything he could to not get hired too with the pro Castro stuff in Miami and calling Ray Lewis an uncle Tom when the Ravens were interested in him.

They tried that before the attendance was horrendous the only place it worked was Baltimore and I think people were only going to the games to spite the NFL.

“Asian men aren’t masculine” That’s an awfully stupid take Bruce Lee knocked him down the first go and after he got thrown into the car Tarantino shows him getting up doing one of his badass spine cracks and gets ready to go again. If you want to be upset because Bruce Lee seemed to be one of the most humble grounded

I give him a pass because I never believed her

I’m just curious what the asian stereotype is from this movie? Is being arrogant an asian stereotype?