
It was actually a failure to read the room on your part. 

I’d say it’s uncle Roundtree is only 6 years older than Jackson not even shaft could bang out a kid at 6

Just have Jackson look up and say “Is that a Motherfucking Winged Serpent”? and then have Q eat him suddenly Keith Carradine and Moriarty are introduced that shit writes itself. But only if they can do the CGI without every scene being at night in a hurricane like that shitty Godzilla

Nothing but I’m sure that’s why she was still out there

So she could break the record for most goals scored in a match

That’s almost as bad as the wild card

Then you’d only have 5 teams at the so called Women’s World Cup

Part of the problem is the highest level of women’s soccer only has 4 or 5 good teams

You sound like you were raised in a constant state of “safe space” fuck off you woke idiot

Why can’t they make good movies anymore? Is it because of the immigrants?

Still not as bad as the selfies morons take at Auschwitz

There are 3 other reactors at Chernobyl that were still running a decade after the accident

Yeah it doesn’t really matter feeling joyous because you scored the 12th goal against a shit team is still a dick move

Good call although again he didn’t direct

Are you really this fucking dumb?

If you think they’re both part of the same “sportsmanship” argument then you deserve it

Why would they have to trade all that? Toronto only traded Derozan and Pertel for Kawhi and they got Danny Green back as well. I don’t see AD commanding any more than that so Boston sends Hayward and a guy at the end of the bench who has potential.

It seems to be worth it in Toronto

I’m sure once Lebron retires he will still be active in Clutch Sports and will continue to work at getting clients signed to his agency

She’s not being criticized for running up the score she’s being criticized for celebrating wildly while running up the score. One is part of competition and the other is being a scumbag.