
Yeah I only read the first paragraph my bad

I really didn’t care much for this ep. I don’t know why they felt the need to telegraph Chuck’s con so much I don’t know if they were worried the audience was too dumb to keep up but it took away any impact when it happened. Even Connerty’s reaction was poorly done he just kind of shrug’s “darn I guess I got caught”.

It was still an improvement on the lame Malkovich Oligarch storyline

They never made it clear whether Rebecca is smart enough that she was able to manipulate Axe and Taylor’s feud so that Taylor ended up with all of that toxic debt it may have just been a happy accident and her original plan was to stick Axe with it. Either way she was playing Axe and she deserves what she got. 

Didn’t he get shot in the face or something?

It’s pretty standard writing when you’re doing a big con movie or show you have to con the audience as well to make it believable. Even with the scene with Axe’s guy it was still pretty clearly a setup I just thought it would have been the missing cuff links not a camera. I’m not sure how exactly Chuck has Jock since

The only reason this “plant based” thing tastes like a burger is the genetically engineered soy

People on the 401 are insane. If I’m going 20 mph over the speed limit passing a double semi and some fool gets up behind me because he wants to go 50 over the limit he can wait I’m not speeding up any further

And if the title character was a male with a similar resume he would have been paid half of what Dempsey got too. Jesus is that the best argument you dummies can come up with. She says it herself “He had a television quote. I had never done TV” It’s all about how recognizable you are to draw people to the show. 

Great now please justify who the fuck Ellen Pompeo was back then 

I really can’t take Pompeo seriously if she thinks she should have been paid the same as Dempsey when the series began

Now you’re being pretentious which most likely was your original intention

So we don’t know if Harry is still Sheriff or if he’s just Seth’s deputy you’re assuming he’s beholden to Hearst but that was 10 years ago. As far as we know he wasn’t an evil man just a dimwit but now he’s involved with Charlie Utter’s murder? 

Nothing you described has anything to do with Mannings character. Hearst got him elected because he wanted anyone but Bullock he didn’t know or care about Harry. All of that happened 10 year ago if there was a scene where Hearst tells Harry he needs to do this or lose his job I might have been ok with it.

Check out the medal winners in women’s 800 at the last Olympics 

Why would any women want to compete in a co ed league? They would never win

At a higher level her hormone levels would be monitored the IAAF rule is different than the NCAA rule. I think it’s 2 years of hormone therapy instead of 1 and her Testosterone level has to be below the same limit as athletes like Semenya.

Wow talk about an intellectually dishonest argument lol

Completely agree didn’t understand any of the family motivations they all seemed batshit crazy and I wanted them all to die. My peeve for these movies has always been the darkness which I assume is necessary for effective CGI but I keep hoping it will improve but instead they doubled down in this movie and made the

Man that line where Boris says he wasn’t worried about the situation being bad because they put him in charge was great.