
That and injecting HGH

He wanted to be a Maester they have vows like the Watch one of them is he has to give up his house name

Almost every episode featured her saying “ I am the rightful heir to the Iron Throne”

Except that magic horn that was always several different kinds of stupid

Are there any Thens left? If they didn’t go south they ended up dead

Really that’s the only other possibility you idiot?

Me too although I don’t know why they would go North it was already established before the Night King’s rampage that nobody was farming the land south of the wall

Stannis made it clear he could absolve Jon of his vows to the Nights

Who would be next in line? Tarleys? 

It worked for Stalin

Also the idea that Yara was going to convince them to stop being worthless pirating scumbags and work for a living instead

Off topic but could you or someone else start covering the show Chernobyl because it is kicking all sorts of ass

So basically you wanted to see John’s peen?

I think it’s much more interesting that the house was built by a hunting organization so that their members can travel there and kill adorable little birds

Univision Honcho : “We’ve got orders to start hyping Toy Story 4"

It’s not even out of left field anymore they went out of their way including a scene where Dany rewards him by giving him the name Baratheon in a season where they’ve cut everything else down to the bone. The idea that they wrote this cene without it meaning anything is mighty unlikely. 

Dude’s a professional gambler there is no amount of money that would set up a gambler for life

See I knew you’d get it

No go back and watch all 73 episodes then make a list of all the times Arya was gutted and pick the stupidest

I’d keep your HBO on until you watch Chernobyl they’re doing a great job with that one