
Nobody on earth that has PCOS has testosterone levels anywhere near as high as Semenya’s

Then she has nothing to worry about because this ruling wouldn’t apply to her

I saw it in the theater too at 13 and I wanted every movie to be a LOTR rip off but mostly I was disappointed that every George Lucas movie wasn’t going to be as good as Star Wars. I heard about the Eborsisk naming after I’d seen it and didn’t give a squirt of piss about it either way that sounds more like something a

I doubt you get much of anything

They’re selling it as healthy I’m just saying it’s not

The point everyone has missed is that the ruling clearly states that the testosterone limit only applies to athletes who are 46xy. If Semenya wasn’t intersex and just had hyperandrogenism she would be free to do as she pleases. 

His deal is that the Redskins don’t retire anyones jersey he thinks they should. Who knows what Theismann would have said if he thought there was a chance of the team reversing their policy.

Actually no running has a division for women and an open division there is nothing preventing women from running with the men.

I don’t agree about Aikman but everything else sounds right. Booger and Tess in the booth will be good.

Saying she has a medical condition Hyperandrogenism is also speculation.

I’ve read them do your own googling

There are no sports in which trans men would have an advantage why bring it up?

So if the info had been released that she was intersex would it change your mind? 

Most of that demographic don’t care or believe what they write they’re just looking for clicks. I’d give her the benefit of the doubt and say she’s just really stupid and got fooled by some online garbage on the Sandy Hook one.

I’m not confusing anything. Plant based doesn’t mean healthier

I’m not confusing anything. Plant based doesn’t mean healthier

If you think they’re are any actual health benefits from eating this processed lab concoction you’re kidding yourself.

Damn I thought he was going to play a Canada-US border agent

I was enjoying the first season up until the Chappaquiddick ending

If this were true she could have this ruling overturned in any court in any country.