Hebrew Hammer

I know that when I’m hiring someone for my own company, my first inquiry is not “are you competant? Are you qualified?” Instead it’s “are you interesting??”

“Probably just a faulty GPS.” - Michael Scott

No. No, actually, it isn’t. Nice try though.

Who’s down with JPP? Every last EMT!

I’m just not sure I believe anything after “he agreed we could tie him with rope and beat him” because.. What?

I’m not ignoring that James left, I’m saying that his decision to come back is inextricably linked to having been drafted by the Cavs in the first place.

This is a dumb thing that Deadspin has tried to make into a running gag, and it’s just not working because they’ve taken the exactly incorrect stance. It would be like trying to do a pro-Cardinals or pro-Cincinnati chili gag.

I don’t know. A lot of this reads like what got written in places like LA and Toronto about Moneyball after DePodesta and Ricciardi got fired. The strategy is a bad one because it failed and so on.

I lived a half hour from this border until I turned 15. I guarantee you there are some die hard Muslims who will fast no matter what. My 90 year old, diabetic grandmother insists on fasting to her own detriment, despite pleading from all her relatives to just fucking eat something. So I do know whereof I speak.

Considering the larger party alternatives, I will applaud anyone who votes for Stein

Since Gawker got the shit sued out of them by a Facebook board member

Founder and CEO has to sit at a desk facing another desk?

He’s been quite open about the fact the he wants to emulate Putin’s style of governance here.

What does this have to do with Donald Trump?

I guess Rapist Sasquatch is an early favorite for Worst Mascot in the next Deadspin Awards.

Lombardi 3:16

This is not an argument and it is not fascism. Binary gender identification serves important social and legal objectives. Civil rights, employment, education, criminal justice, etc. are shaped and influenced by gender identification. They would be impossible to administer if one’s gender changes based on the

I think creepy does depend. For example: "Is it creepy to talk about who to have sex with when discussing a chart?"

Does the chart show where it's no longer considered creepy to have sex with someone? Third cousin twice removed? We all must be related to each other somehow, where is the line? In the olden days (I think as late as the early 20th century) it was still common to sleep with and even marry your first cousin.