Yay for you, too! Stay strong, friend. Lots of vape shops will let you sample juices so you can find something you like.
Yay for you, too! Stay strong, friend. Lots of vape shops will let you sample juices so you can find something you like.
No, it was a television show in the ’60s. Now get off my lawn.
Miss Fisher has a plot? I always watch it for the clothes.
What sirslud said, but I would add that you need to get a high enough nicotine concentration in the juice. I was using low-nicotine juice at first, and I kept going back to cancer sticks.
Vaping helped me kick a 30-year habit. This guy can suck it.
You seem fun.
Oops! My bad. Sanders was in A Shot In the Dark.
And George Sanders!
Wasn't Elizabeth Blanchett's big breakout role? Was it not a biopic?
Didn't she grow up in it, though? I would imagine that would make a difference. Converts tend to be more enthusiastic than people who grew up in a religion. For the latter, it's just a fact of life.
You're not wrong, but I'm about her age, and it was not uncommon among my friends to be sexually active at that age in the ’70s.
This calls for a Very Special Episode of Fashion…Photo…RuView!
Tell me about it. I knew a lovely elderly man who got roped into sitting on his condo board, and it was so nasty he died of a heart attack at a meeting!
You ever been stalked? You ever had said stalker break into your home and beat you up? I'm guessing no.
No, child, you're wrong. Call-waiting was but a glimmer in the eye of a Bell Labs engineer in 1977.
The Long Island Lolita case spawned at least three movies.
Yup. My old ’hood in East Nashville had a big sign imploring people not to pour their grease down the drain.
That's mute point, you palestine.
You're not alone, nor crotchety. That's a priceless trove of pop-culture history!
Ohhhh, so you're a cool girl. Got it, toots.