The fact that Ajayi’s shove of Dupree was judged equivalent to Dupree’s dirty hit on Moore is why the NFL is a joke.
The fact that Ajayi’s shove of Dupree was judged equivalent to Dupree’s dirty hit on Moore is why the NFL is a joke.
Philadelphia fans have demonstrated their support of Johnson by throwing batteries at him and calling his wife a whore. Johnson is unmarried.
Nah. I mean, you might be perfectly self-aware, but it’s human nature to develop blind spots when things are going well.
the lawyer you spoke with is correct. Not only would that contract reset when he signed a new deal, but every time in that initial 6 years of MLB team control would reset every time the team upped the deal.
The tone in some circles after the election was not unlike someone who’s favorite team won a football game.
[. . .] (and former California lawyer) Scott Boras [ . . . .]
... or to avoid people informing Hamilton how he knows nothing about the financial sector
Man, that analogy is so true.
Eh, WADA ya gonna do?
Wait a sec, is this all just an elaborate ploy to make Hamilton Nolan’s posts relevant to Deadspin?!
It’s funny because our political scene has people acting like it’s a sporting event their side won.
Let the shit show of the “Let the shit show of Mixon defenders begin.” begin
The tape on this kid is amazing.
Your name is HAMILTON and you are giving “whites” shit based on comments from a WSJ article? You have seen your reflection, correct?
Reporting on the comment section. What a job.
I just got back into it after a year off. Pretty sure I’m driving all of my friends crazy with challenges on quizzes they played over the last year.
A fellow Sporcle player?
It’s ridiculous that I can’t remember the spelling of his name but can nail Kyrgyzstan every time
I would have also accepted Kazakhstaniszewski. Although not Kamchatkaniszewski.