
Did you not watch the fight?


you sure are. Pretty fucked up.

how bout #FuckDolan #FuckOakley

I agree with you... He overshot it big time. If he had gone for around 4 mil, they may have got closer to that number. Going for 5 in this instance is laughable and an arbiter probably just rolled his/her eyes at the attempt.

well not necessarily “release” them, but show them to the team. I’ll be curious to see how this plays out legally.

can’t wait to read your guest post next week!

the entire Detroit Tigers pitching staff in the 2006 World Series

ugh. This is dumb. I am pretty indifferent to McCain. He’s done some good things. He’s done some bad things. Imagine that, he’s a politician.

Steele was disgustingly nice. The biggest asshole from my childhood I met was Honky Tonk Man. Just a drunken asshole at this point.

Steele was disgustingly nice. The biggest asshole from my childhood I met was Honky Tonk Man. Just a drunken asshole at this point.

can you imagine what Detroit would look like today without all of the investment Illitch and Olympia have poured in over the last 20 years?

counterpoint: the show is great

you’re spot on man. he’s a piece of shit, but this is a dumb and false argument from Draymond.

so not liking Charles Oakley and banning him out after he needlessly shoved multiple security guards is what draws the “slavery” and modern-day racism remarks?

if you think unions protect “all workers”, or fuck, even the majority of workers, you live in a bullshit dreamland with cotton candy clouds. You quite literally have an unrealistic world view... and that’s why no one else will even hire you anyway. Holy fuck you’re an idiot.

Coastal liberals have spent their lives making fun of you and where you live. They’re not going to move there.

he would’ve won

If the Democrats are not idiots

is one of the best, and weirdest, books I’ve read in years

is one of the best, and weirdest, books I’ve read in years