
The real question is how is the NRA to blame?

The real question is how is the NRA to blame?

or it can add time to the development and cost more money (speaking from personal experience.)

or it can add time to the development and cost more money (speaking from personal experience.)

How many times can a writer apologize for Ghostbusters in one article? It sucked. Get over it.

Is this what the new management is going to be offering, or is this some kind of attempt to bury the value of the site before it takes over?

It’s no man’s sky, so its a woman’s sky. idiots.

slow news week?

“whitewashing” is a racist term as there is nothing intrinsically white about the phenomena. Of course, when James Bond is black, everyone’s opinion (for and against) will reverse, because we are locked in this ridiculous left/right, black/white, Red team/ blue team paradigms. Cue outrage.