hamilton geyser

It seems to me that pointing out Budweiser was made by immigrants is as anti-immigrant as you can get, so maybe we should boycott them?

immigrants brought Budweiser to our shores? And this is a good thing?

AV Club should not be promoting this stuff. How many people have been the target of violent assaults because they were perceived as Trump voters and branded nazis since the election? Dozens? This is despicable. Don't punch people who aren't a direct, immediate threat to you! Why do I have to explain that? The problem

you're a hysterical and paranoid snowflake acting out with violence. Don't punch people who aren't a direct, immediate threat to you! Why do I have to explain that? The problem with punching nazis is that you psychos immediately brand anyone in a MAGA hat or anyone who votes republican as a nazi, thus you can do

lyrics are overrated.

Yellow Ledbetter would be a good one. I think maybe one word is understandable

I wonder how much Bed, Bath and Beyond paid him to make Click.

Is it a sequel to Click? That has to be the most contrived piece of shit I've ever heard of. And the Bed, Bath and Beyond advertising was a low point in movie history.

I almost admire it… almost.

"boys taken advantage of sexually by adult women are viewed as lucky devils whose early sexual experiences merit enthusiastic high fives instead of counseling. "
lol. That ridiculous bit of soapboxing was funnier than anything Adam Sandler has done in twenty years.

He doesn't take orders from people who tell him he doesn't like to take orders. A real hot-head this guy is.

it would be nice to depict them accurately at least once before they panic and reinvent them.