
You're not alone. I have absolutely no sympathy for Rachel and Quinn. Not at all. Especially not for Rachel. First Mary dies, then she blatantly sets up a black man to be harassed by the police, an innocent person gets shot…cut to next scene and we're supposed to feel sorry for Rachel?? Huh? There's been a huge lack

Such a good point! They both have some nerve slut shaming Madison. Haven't both of them spread their legs to get ahead? This season is a real disappointment for me.

I agree completely Bekka. The more I listen the more I notice how wide that gap is. And it kind of makes me sad. Same with the Serial Serial podcast. These guys sound so naive, sometimes rude and insensitive. I don't know why I listen, the Serial Serial podcast is horrible.

Hey guys, I have to say, much better episode than the last one. Way less pretentious and snotty. Just saying. But one thing - I think Sarah said in the first episode that the reason Rabbia contacted her was because Sarah had written articles about Christina Gutierrez's troubles in the past.