
yeah. like if he just ditched the leather jacket, sunglasses, and stubble — the classic crutch trifecta of the middle aged rockstar — i would have been able to enjoy the performance a lot more. i am NIN agnostic, but that song was kinda great, or at least a perfectly lynchian sonic act break. but old rocker gonna old

hard disagree. i see your pov, but i think trying to map what lynch was doing here to the kind of literal origin story a lesser mind or show would produce minimizes lynch's scope and intent. he is grasping for the ineffable, and getting way closer to it than anything i've ever seen on my television. the fact that he

there better be more dougie.

her reviews usually drive me bonkers, but she has been completely on point for every episode of this impossible miracle season.

yes. 100% yes. baby driver is a refreshing, original vision with energy, wit, and actual creative storytelling skill. something increasingly rare in this age when grim, extended-universe blockbusters clog up our multiplexes and shovel empty, macguffin-chasing nonsense into our brains.

the title gets better after viewing the film.

no doubt. those performances are great, but it also doesn't hurt that the dialogue is cracking good, and loaded with wit and weirdness. everyone has at least a few killer lines, but i thought the arms dealer's speech about his menu of ordinance was especially ingenious and lyrical.

i loved it overall but had similar quibbles with some plotting stuff. i think edgar wright usually has a few too many ideas that he can't resist pouring into his films — and just once i wish he could wrap up one of his stories without relying on a setpiece boss battle as a finale.

oh i really liked elgort. i thought he was perfectly cast for the role. he's the still, moral center of the film — the decent, almost anonymously nice guy who is totally out of place in the criminal underworld. elgort possesses a wholesome, all-american, boy scout blandness — which is why he is consistently

the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was eating a huge carton of rocky road in slow motion while sitting on the toilet.

you are onto something for sure — in ray's apartment there is a poster on the wall for "SMASHING PARTICLES", (presumably a show poster?).

parks's dialog and performance as the sheriff surveying the crime scene at the church in vol. 1 is ingeniously vulgar.

Why is nearly every show I enjoy cursed with Emily Stephens as the AV Club reviewer? I frequently agree with her letter grades and her general overall opinions, but when it comes to providing insight, making deeper connections, or illuminating themes — a.k.a. the primary role of criticism — she talks absolute bollocks.

i don't think that and i did not say that. i listed eight monumentally evil, fucked up things that our own country is doing that we should be taking collective action to resist and obstruct, and there are dozens more that i didn't list that are also worthy of our attention and outrage as well. but i am also deeply

I yield and cry uncle to your persuasive arguments, sir. The self-aggrandizing myth-making of Immortan Joe taps into deeper currents of historical methods of power and control than religion alone. Yes, religion is often perverted or skewed for those same purposes, but rarely do religions spring fully-formed from a

Well, I am painting with a broad brush, but I agree that the MM's had a definite spiritual vibe. It did not appear to be much more than that though; just a nice, comforting, maternal perspective — one that values community, kindness, protectiveness, truthfulness, curiosity, disgust with the men who broke the world,

Fiery blasts of soulful improv.

chuck's goal is now to make jimmy a pariah in the "straight" legal world. he planted that tape for ernesto in the hopes that ernesto will start a whisper campaign about jimmy falsifying evidence. if the legal community unites around the idea that jimmy would lie and cheat to steal a client for kim, it could have

they may seem maddening and pointless to you, but for me, all these scenes of delaney 'just walking around' are effective and enjoyable storytelling techniques.

the awful people you speak of are indeed typically political or idealogical opposites, but ironically they often share a lot of personality traits; a general lack of empathy, humility, or flexibility, combined with a strong desire to control and regulate other people's behaviors.