
Clean and Sobird

The cautionary dystopian beatings will continue until San Junipero improves morale.

Halt contains multitudes.

On this show, as in real life, you gravitate towards the people whose personalities and behaviors you like to be around. If Cameron never had moments of charm, grace, or self-awareness, I could see how she would come across like an arrogant, petulant bully. But like most human beings — and all the main characters of

I wish Robo Butler had brought Cameron her beer while she and Bos chatted on the SVP of Sails.

I could listen to Bos talk about Robo Butler for days.

"'Cause he's a butler man! … That's what he does."

No doubt.

This times a hojillion.

another week, another super fun episode of agent carter, and another comment thread derailed by sava's bizarre fixation on issues only tangentially related to the show. the dude never met a forest he couldn't see for the trees.

Yeah, hard to imagine a review being more Sava than this one. It is truly breathtaking in it's Sava-ness.

Damn. Another amazing episode. This show has quickly become one of my favorite hours of the week. The Brida reunion was a little bit heartbreaking, but also wonderful.